chapter 31

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Master P.O.V

"Lucy...Lucy...Lucy." I started as I'm standing in front of her, "I have to ask, who's your favourite spirit?" I asked, smirking knowing that she wont answer.

The more she moves the tighter the restraints and that little bar round her neck gets...especially if I don't like what she says then I can just get it tightened with the snap of my fingers.

" So how you feeling?" I ask curious to whether she would answer or not. I look up at her to dee she's not answering.

"comfortable?'re giving me no answer so you must be comfortable." I look over to see Reaper walking towards me.

I'm going to have fun with this.

I turn the dial that controls the machine to the first setting turning it on.

I turn my back and wait 5 seconds.






"aaggghhhh!" Lucy screamed, then stop.

"that's better, now I'm going to tell you what's going to happen," I turned and face her with a smirk on my face.

Lucy P.O.V

"so how you feeling?" Master asking me, like I'm going to answer him.

He looks up at me, "comfortable?... you're giving me no answer, so you must be," I look down refusing to answer.

I hear a dial turn. What's going on. My arms are tingling, the I.V is filled with an orangey liquid, what's going on.






"aaggghhh!" I screamed a sharp pain has gone through my body.

I'm huffing...trying to get my breath back.

"that's better, now I'm going to tell you what's going to happen." Master say's I look up to see Reaper behind him giving me a sympathy smile.

It really is too late.

Reaper p.o.v

I walked up to master, he turned to me and smiled. He turned the dial, I follow the cable to see it to see it connected an emergency power bank.


FairyTail, I'm sorry it's too late.

The process has started and the only way to save her now is for her to save herself.

I look up, Lucy looking straight at me, I give her a sympathy smile.

There has to be a way out of this there has to be.

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