chapter 11

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Lucy P.O.V

I'm bored... my magic is back at last but it’s no good there no windows for me to break, and the door is magic resistant, I have no idea how long I have been here, or if it’s night or day, is fairy tail, Natsu even looking for me.


That's strange they never knock, thankfully there's a bathroom for me to change or hide if I need to be away for a few minutes.


"Come in," I look up to see Reaper with another girl but she doesn't look like she's here by force.

Reaper P.O.V

"So no telling her where we are and what is happening outside of that room ok, all you can tell her is who you are and encourage her to use her magic so you can learn her magic and how the spirits work, you understand.....Abigail are you even listening" I turn to see her in her own world.

“Yes I'm listening... I just feel bad because we are keeping her from her family and friends just because my father doesn't accept me for who I am," Abigail reply to me in a quite tone know she's right, and she is Lucy is going through what is to come because master doesn't want Abigail as she is, he wants her more like her mum.

"were here, hope your ready cause as much as a wish there was but there is no going back, look I don't like this anymore then you do but like you I have no choice, I'm sorry but your father controls me and I can't get out of it unless I want to die and the same goes to you, know remember what I told you no telling her the plan and where we are, ok?" what I say is true none of us will be alive if we when against master.

 I unlock the door as I'm about to open the door

"Wait aren't you going to knock she could be changing or be talking to herself about something private... not that I do the," I here angel say

"Fine I will knock for you and you talk to yourself?" now that's made me curious why would she talk to herself.

"Hey!! It’s not easy being the only girl here you know,"



There no answer do I knock again or just go in,

"Knock the way you’re thinking out loud." Abigail says

"Shut up, I'm allowed to think out load,"


"Come in," I hear from the other side,

"Come on Abigail let’s get this over with."

Abigail P.O.V

I feel sorry for this girl she looked surprise to see me, I guess she doesn't get many girl visitors seeing as I'm the only other girl here, it’s quite should I say anything, Reaper starts talking "Lucy this is Abigail, she will be spending time with you for a while, so please get along, Abigail ill come and get you later... goodbye" Reaper just said then walked out and then lock the door so Lucy nor I can get out, I'm not here by force but I wish I wasn't here I just want to live a normal life...oh well at least there is a girl I can talk to now.

"Hey I'm Abigail nice to meet you and sorry your here if I could help you I would,"

"I'm Lucy, Nice to meet you... I guess" the girl replied... I need to get her trust and get her out of here, she doesn't deserve to be here just because of my father, but I have to go careful in case there camera's or microphone's.

"Hey are you ok?" I here Lucy talk,

"Yeah sorry just thinking, so tell me a bit about yourself," I replied, I’ll think of something to help her I have to.

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