chapter 41

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Abigail p.o.v

I woke up to everyone screaming and trapped, I’ve seen this magic before, there only one person that uses this.
NO… he can’t be, if I don’t do something fast it’ll kill them, a human body can only receive so many shocks, unfortunately it does something else to mages. I need to stop this and fast. Looking over I see he’s doing one person at a time, that’s good that means I got time. Sorry Reaper I know you only try to keep me safe, but it’s my turn to protect you.

Reaper trapped with them, biting his lips to stop screaming, he’s been through this before, we both have, but he’s never used it like this before.
I look over at Lucy, she’s shaking, what she is doing in that machine or what is that machine is doing to her. I need to make a move.

I sit up slowly, I glance over to see master hasn’t notice me, hank lord, or this wouldn’t be good for me as Reaper was supposed to tie me to the table. There something in my pocket.
I put my hand in my pocket to see… Loki key.

Of course I would find it when I use it. I look at the Master to see him moving onto a small blue cat with wings. I think Lucy said he’s called Happy
Loki I hope you’re ready for Lucy ad Fairytail’s sake.

Reaper P.O.V

I saw Abigail look at me, horror shows on her face as she realizes what The Master is doing to us, knowing what the pain is like as we experienced a milder setting of it once before, when we tried to get out of this mess. But this right now is worse than that day. I keep quite not wanting to alert Master that she is up, as I was supposed to tie her to the table, but knowing the plan and Loki needed her to have his key I got away without tying her to the table.
I’m biting my lip trying to not scream, screaming will just make him happy, and know that he wants a reaction out of me.

I look around, to see Natsu has stopped screaming, he’s biting his lip like I am, but what is he looking at, lucy is still asleep and I think that’s best, I look over where he’s looking to see Abigail behind Master.
What is she planning?

Master P.O.V

He’s stopped screaming, Reaper didn’t scream this time which is no surprise, but, the pink haired dude, I think is Natsu stopped screaming.
Does he really think he’s being brave?
I focus my magic back on him, leaving the cat thing alone, as I don’t want to kill them just yet, may as well let them watch Lucy suffer. I release the others from the pain but I keep them pinned to the wall, I’ve already done the block so I’m good to go.
The faint box around Natsu starts to spark again.

“AAAGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” he screamed this time, good that what I wanted.

“You know I don’t know why you guys came? You’re only going to get killed” I said not expecting what came next.
“They came because Lucy’s their Nakama,” came from behind me, oh Reaper you should have done what I asked and now your precious little sister going to get hurt.

Abigail P.O.V

“You know I don’t know why you guys came? You’re only going to get killed” I hear the Master say to Fairytail.
I can’t take this anymore, holding Loki key tightly, I stand up and get Masters Attention.

“They came because Lucy’s their Nakkama,” I started, getting my balance and taking a strong step away from the table and towards the Master, as he turned to face me I carried on.

“They came because they care about her, because there her family, not by blood but by heart, they came because they don’t want to see her hurt…” I take a deep breath to calm myself as the anger bubbling, “They are a Family that accepts everyone for who they are, there a family that will do anything to cheer each other up if one of them are down. They are FAIRYTAIL.” I finished facing Master knowing that I got the strength to do this.

“Yes Abigail, they are Lucy’s family, but one question Abigail,” he started stepping closer to me “Who’s here for you?” he finished facing me with a smirk.

I then glance at them all, seeing Natsu nods, encouraging me to keep going, like Lucy have been all along.

“Who’s here for you Abigail?” he repeats.
I give him my own smirk.
“They are, FairyTail are, Reaper is, Lucy been here for me all along, and the one thing that surprises me the most, Lucy’s Celestial Spirits are.”
As I was talking I was gripping Loki key tightly looking at the key knowing suddenly what I need to say.
“I summon thee, as a friend of Lucy, Leo the lion.”
Loki appeared behind me placing a hand gently on my shoulder, I notice he master looking at me with curiosity.

“Abigail you ok?” Loki asked behind me I just nodded in response. “Go over by Lucy, other will be there soon but I need to know that you’ll be safe, so I’ll take the situation from here, I don’t want you to get hurt any more than necessary… if possible not at all.”

“Okay… but Loki, please focus on Lucy if anything happens, please help her before me,” I ask.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that Abigail, cause that would mean breaking a promise, now go before you get hurt” he answered looking down at me and then up at Lucy with guilt in his eyes.

With that said I walked over to Lucy trying to work out what this promise is that he was talking about.

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