chapter 9

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Normal P.O.V

While fairy tail is trying to find Lucy, to save her Lucy is with reaper in his master’s hideout. It’s been two days since Lucy has been awake for a long period of time, due to being moved to a new location every time fairy tail came close to finding Lucy.

Lucy P.O.V 

I’ve been awake now for what seems like forever; they usually put me back to sleep using some sort of drink.

I’m in what looks like a bedroom but there are no windows and only a door that’s locked… I don’t know why I’m here Natsu was right I’m weak and I only hide behind my spirits cause it’s my magic as soon as I get out of here I’m going to train to fight with the help of fairy tail I can become stronger I don’t care what they say I know it’s true but I will get stronger, for them and for me, and hopefully Natsu. Natsu wasn’t himself that night and I got a feeling it wasn’t him so I’m not going to give up.

“Hey, Lucy you ok?” I turned to see Reaper.

Reaper P.O.V

I walked in to check on Lucy and to find out if we needed to put her back to sleep though we need her magic to be working in three more days for the master wants the plan done and soon, thanks to fairy tail were running out of hideouts, and to make things worse they are getting close again.

“Hey, Lucy are you ok?” when I asked so she jumped so she must off been thinking about everything.

“So are you going to be good or are we going have to put you asleep again?” I asked before she says anything.

“I’ll be good not like I can go anywhere anyway, and I’m good but I can’t feel my magic, wait what do you mean we?” great Lucy asking questions and I’ve slipped up but master can’t have her finding out what happened in till the machine is done because we need her emotional for her magic to be at the highest.

“I didn’t say we and don’t worry you will feel your magic again in a day or two,” I answered and hoping she won’t ask more questions

“What do you want with me anyway, why am I so important and if my farther is behind this then I’m going to….” Lucy asked being too curious for her own good.

“Your farther got nothing to do with this, and well you will find out soon enough.” I answer and walked out I can’t say no more or she well figures it out.

Lucy P.O.V

I wish fairy tail would come and help me, I know a part of me hates Natsu but I still believe it wasn’t him that said those things, but I love him and I’m going to tell him as soon as I’m out of here, fairy tail is my family and I’ll always believe him even if I’m hanging by the thread losing myself and fairy tail are the only ones that can save me.

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