chapter 19

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Erza P.O.V

After splitting up to find Lucy I found a boy in tears

"Hey, you ok....I'm a member of FairyTail...were looking for a girl called Lucy"

The boy looked up at that name.

"You came, you actually came" he said "I'm Reaper I'm the one that was demanded to take lucy and now her and my sister Abigail are in danger, Lucy said that you would come and possible help us, can you?"

"If you can tell us why you needed Lucy and what is going to happen the FairyTail might be able to help you and your sister." I said trying to not make any promises.

I'm just hoping that Reaper can tell me what's going on so I can find Lucy and maybe his sister if there in similar dangers.

"I can tell you the plan but not where Lucy is because she is being moved to the device as we speak so I got to get to my sister before she freaks out," Reaper took a few steps towards me and whispered in my ear the plan.

"Thanks Reaper" I said when he was done "I hope I can find Lucy and your sister Abigail and fast because it sounds like we don't have a lot of time"

"One question why don't you want to kill me" Reaper asked

"One because were not killers and two trust me I'm not the one you need to worry about on the whole you took Lucy... But I'm not going to protect you when it comes to facing the rest of the guild, but that's another problem for another day" I answered

"Thank you... I must go now good luck... oh and Natsu is that way with the other dragon slayers trying to fight the master right no" he said pointing to the wall behind me" just crash through it you'll get there quicker, trust me just don't let Natsu crash all of the wall otherwise well all be trapped, and well he's got a reputation that I will say" he say chuckling running to I'm guessing his sister.

I turned to the wall behind me as Gray and Juvia appeared.

"Hey Erza any sign of Natsu?" Gray asked

"He's fighting the guy I think is in charge" as I answered Gray's question a hole got blew into the wall, well at least Natsu won't think about smashing walls now

"Nice try but it will take more than that im afraid" the person Natsu is up against says.

Me and Gray looks at each other and nod

"Ice make Lance"

"Wheel of heaven"

Me and Gray say at the same time giving Juvia the chance to use water lock.

"Water Lock prison" Juvia said "that should hold him till we find love rival"

"Nice try but that won't hold me, good luck trying to find Lucy now" the guy said from behind Natsu as Juvia water lock fell to the floor.

As he said that he disappeared and Natsu was ready to run, "Natsu, I found out the plan I don't think we got a lot of time" I said hoping to get him to stay.

"How much time we got? And what their plan?" he said turning to me

"Come on I'll explain while we run, we need to stick together now< and we need to find Lucy and fast" I said running ahead

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