chapter 50

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1 month later 

Natsu P.O.V

The guild is quiet.

I'm sat in the infirmary watching Lucy, her hand in mine, waiting for her to wake up.

The bandages have been removed and the ruins have faded, Wendy have come in everyday to heal her a little more, all of us knowing she received a lot of damage in the time she was in that...thing.

I gave Lucy a Kiss on the forehead and walked out, needing a break away, knowing that if I don't take one soon then Abigail and Mirajane will drag me out to have one.

I walk out to see everyone sat down.

No music playing

No smiles being shown

Abigail and Reaper joined us when we got back, all of us decided to forgive them knowing they had no choice. Abigail didn't receive much of Lucy Magic due to the both fighting the machine, so over the month due to Abigail refusing to use it, it slowly transferred back to Lucy.

Thanks to Mirajane, Abigail and Levy searching the books, they found that thanks to the both of them fighting, and Lucy accepting her spirits as family, helped her magic to stay within Lucy.
Abigail doesn't have any Magic but she helps out around the guild, learning how to work the infirmary and the bar along by Mirajane, with Levy teaching her different things from a variety of books.

We haven't seen any of the spirits since the day we came back, Loki came to see that's she's settled and then went to recover, none of us know how they are but we presumed their waiting just like we are.

I walked over to my table with the two new members sat at.

"how is she?" Abigail asks me quietly.

"The same, I'm afraid" I answer looking down to hide the tears n my eyes feeling Abigail give me a side hug.

2 weeks later

Still no change.

The girls have been washing Lucy and changing her clothes every few days.

Where I've stayed the nights, doing everything possible to not leave her on her own.

It's late afternoon and I'm sat with Mirajane, at the bar, stirring a strawberry milkshake, one of Lucy's favourite, just thinking and hoping.

Lucy P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes to see that im in FairyTail's infirmary.

I'm home.

I'm finally home but its too quiet to be FairyTail.

With FairyTail on my mind, I swing my legs round off the bed, causing me to stumble forward, I close my eyes only to feel myself be caught before I hit the ground.

"You ok princess?" I hear above me, I look up, to confirm that I'm in Loki's arms.

I try to speak only to end up croaking from having a dry throat, he puts me back on the bed and passes me a glass of water.

After having the drink, I look up at him, relief showing in his eyes.

"Hi Loki: thanks for catching me" I finally replied finding my voice "can you take me down I need to see him?" I ask, trembling with realisation that I'm back, I'm safe and alive.

"of course, princess, they have all been worried sick about you" Loki replied picking me up bridal style.

As Loki walked out the door everyone looked up apart from Natsu, Relief and tears forming in their eyes.

Loki took me over to Natsu, everyone stayed quiet, Mirajane just looked at me in shock

Loki placed me on his back and I clung to him like a Kola bear, not trusting my voice I just stayed there.

I felt him stiffen then gently move me around to be in front of him.

Natsu P.O.V

I felt a weight on my back, causing me to stiffen, I look up from the milkshake to see Mira in shock.

I smelt strawberries, I smelt Lucy, causing tears to form in my eyes.

I slowly and carefully moved her, so she was in front of me, not wanting to cause her pain, I looked at her for a few seconds, not believing that she's awake, I then pull her close not wanting to let go.

"you're're here," I mumble into her hair.

"I'm here and Natsu??" she replies.

"yeah," I answered pulling back to look her in the eyes, tears forming in her eyes like they are in mine, and most likely everyone else's.

"I love you Natsu... and thank you for saving me," she replied starting to cry as she pulls me in for a hug.

"any time Lucy, oh and I love you too," I reply pulling her close.

Cheers surround the room, from Lucy waking up to us confessing, I just ignore everyone holding Lucy close, none of us letting go.

I'm never letting her go, not now, I finally got her after all this time... I love her too much to let her go ever again.

The end


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