chapter 38

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Lucy’s p.o.v
“No…No I wont do it Loki” I said, “Abigails plan is too risky, I can’t have her do it, to achieve what, to be stuck in here and not achieve the life she deserves.” I finished looking at Loki. Me and Loki are to the side watching everyone else talk to Abigail. Either to make her plan better or to talk her out of it, I’m hoping it’s the later.
“lets hear it,” I said even if I have got a bad feeling I need to do what I can for Abigail right now.
“what if I don’t accept the magic,” she blurts it out, as if t all going to make sense, I look at my spirits the look at me, guess I got to ask.
“Abigail what do you mean,” I said quietly as I dot want to kill her hope just because I don’t understand what is going on right now.
“what I mean… Lucy what if I push back your magic so that way I would only get a small amount of your magic but not enough to gain your spirits? Abigail said to me looking determined that this will work, but she doesn’t know. Of course she doesn’t know Reaper wont want to scare her, but she needs to know.
“Abigail what about you...” I started
“I’m guessing you mean about how master will kill me if this doesn’t work, Lucy I knew I knew before this even started,” she replies looking down
“but I don’t want you to lose what you got, so how about we take the risk, please Lucy,”
“I’m afraid it wont be that simple,” I hear behind me and going by Abigail’s face it’s the spirit king “it could work but it wont be that simple, I'm afraid there will be a consequence, if you do go through with it… I’m afraid your father Abigail, knew what he was doing when he started this.”
Abigail looking at me scared
“don’t worry Abigail he won’t hurt you, he’s the spirit king.” I reassured her and then turned to face spirit king
“what’s the consequence if we don’t just let this happen?” I asked wanting to know But at the same time dreading the answer.
“basically Lucy, you and Abigail was it.....” I nod my head taking a breath to calm my nerves.
He takes a look at us and sighs “ you have two options ...
Option 1, Abigail accepts the magic and you both may live, I’m afraid Lucy you will be without magic and it’s a case of how you going to get away from the master/father,” he stops and looks around him as if he’s looking good for a way out of this.
“Spirit what’s the other option?” I asked needed ingredients to know.
“option 2, if Abigail doesn’t accept the magic or pushes it back in to you Lucy, she will then be confined to the spirit world with no way out, that liquid he put in you both doesn’t just knock you both out like it did but also linked Abigail to this world .”

Abigail face went pale
“ NO! I won’t accept it back” I said ass I turned to face Abigail “ your keeping this magic and I’m getting us out of this mess some other way”

With that I walked away to think only Loki following me
Flash back over

“Princess I know your upset but what are we going to do” Loki asks
I look down and think maybe it’s time.
Time to use my back up plan that’s if Loki sticks to his word.
“Yes Lucy what are we going to do?” Abigail asked.
I turned to face her, my spirits and the spirit king.
I can feel myself getting weak.
I look at Abigail to see her magic transferring into her
“Abigail you are going to go back and fight, your going to have your freedom, I’m not letting you stay trapped here... you deserve to live a little,” said looking straight at her.
“ but what about you, fairy tail, Natsu, there all there fighting for you?” she whispered but I still heard her loud and clear.
“I know And I’m going to fight for them, when I get out of this, magic or no magic, I’m going to train and fight...” I feel my magic leaving my body, I’m going dizzy. I take Abigail hand and Loki hand with the other, I look to see my spirits all joining hands.
“I’m going to fight with you and for you , till I can’t no more... I’m going to be who I am...” I fall to my knees, Loki tries to catch me but I don’t let him.
I take a breath “ I am a member of fairy tail so I am going to fight” as I finish everything goes black.

Abigail P.O.V
I look at Lucy as she passes out, Loki lays her down so she’s comfortable.
“Abigail...listen to me” I hear Loki say so I look at him, fear showing on my face.
“I need you to summon me first when you come too ok, after that I’ll take over from there, we’re going to fight for Lucy,  like she has fought for us” I look at him proud of the family they are for Lucy.
“ but I don’t know what to do?...I don’t even have you key” I asked.
“when the time is right you will know and if Reaper stuck to the plan you will have the key on you,”
“but how?” I’m so scared....I’m so confused “how did you know this would happen?” I asked feeling dizzy.
“let’s just say me and Lucy made a back up plan, even if I don’t like it, we now have to use it... good luck Abigail, you’ll now what to do when the time is right” as he said that I feel back into Virgo arms everything going black.

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