chapter 16

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Anonymous spirit p.o.v

After Lucy called me I could tell that she was running out of time and that she was losing hope of coming out of this alive, the cameras must be disabled or her to pass me a note but the mics must still be in motion, but why would she tell me to take care and thank her other spirits she know that we would help her any way possible but why would she be scared to the fact that she thinks she going to lose her spirits, What have the Master got planned or lucy.

“Hey you ok there?” Aries ask me, im currently in the spirit world looking at the note.

“oh yeah just worried about Lucy that all, whatever going to happen it’s going to happen fast and I  think she worried she going to lose her spirits, for she asked me to thank you all for helping her” I replied looking up noticing that everyone has gathered around to hear how Lucy is.

Everyone started saying things like why would she thank us she helped us and so on.

“everyone please quite down im trying to think” I raised my voice to get their attention back on the case at hane.

“well what does the note say?” Aries asked.

I looked down then read it out loud


Find fairytail, find Natsu,

Get help

Running out of time


“but I don’t know where to start there isn’t a single member at fairytail guild cause their all looking for Lucy and I wouldn’t know where to start when it comes to finding Natsu” I said after I read the note out loud.

“did you try the woods that are just out side the cave that hides where lucy is?” Pyxis said being a compass he would be accurate.

“thank you so much Pyxis, I just hope I can get there in time,” I said and then vanished out the spirit world leaving everyone to go back to doing what they’re doing.

10 mins later

I found Natsu, Grey and Erza in the woods where Pyxis said they would be, and surprise surprise they where arguing.

Erza started saying about finding lucy and getting Natsu and Grey to stop fighting that when I decided to speak from where I was standing.

“Or you can just pay attention for 2 seconds and notice that ive been following you for the last 5 minutes and have come to the conclusion that you guys may never change” I said smirking thinking of fond memories

Natsu, Gray and Erza got their the magic out to fight

“Ease up guys, I’m Friend not an enemy, and I’m trying to help you before it’s too late” I said trying to get them to relax before they destroy the whole forest and ruin everything.

“Show yourself then well ease up….though you do sound familiar” Erza replied being cautious as ever.

“Why don’t you guys look up in in the tree right in front of you?” I said since im right in front of them its not that hard to miss me if they actually took notice of their surroundings.

Natsu, Gray and Erza looked up to see….

Natsu, Gray, Erza P.O.V

“LOKI!” the three screamed out of surprise and put away their magic

Loki P.O.V

“yes its me and im trying to help you cause as you seem to always forget I can come out of the spirit world without using lucys magic, and there no time to spare Lucy needs Help so let’s get going ok.” I said reminding them why we’re here in the first place.

hey guys well there you have it the mysteriouse charecter was Loki the lion spiri.

hope you all had a good christmas and have a happy new year

remeber if you ever need someone to chat to im willing to listen just message me and i will response as soon as possible.

Rachel :-)

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