chapter 36

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Natsu p.o.v
We come to a door.
Lucy scent is strong, she must be in there.

"Juvia … where are the rest of Fairytail now?" I ask wanting to know so I can go and get Lucy out of there.
" There right outside the cave." Juvia answered.
"Natsu... you know there going to be a battle when we go in there" I heard behind me I turned to see that Erza the one that spoke.
I take a breath, "I know, but Lucy been here long enough. I need to get her out of here and now." I replied answering her unasked question of what I'm doing.
With that I back up from the down and run into it trying to get it open.
After a couple of tries and everyone else joining me we finally get in.
And my anger goes up with what I see.

Master p.o.v
I heard the door break... I look up at Lucy and smirk, knowing that they are too late to save her magic, if not too late to save her.
I could feel and anger behind me, a fiery anger, must be who I thought before.
I stay facing forward.
Lucy been sucked fully into the machine for a while now but you can see that its finally knocked her out.
Abigail gone limp on the table, Reaper standing over her trying to protect her, the process has started.

"Reaper are you and your sister ok?" I hear behind me.
They must know that them too are not in this willingly to be asking that, maybe that boy of mine has got some brains after all.
"It's too late" I hear Reaper whisper in response.
At that moment I take my mark to turn around.
I turn the dial to the final turn. Lucy and Abigail body move in shock then go back to how it was.
The magic process is now being done.
I turn and face fairy tail and smirk.
"my boy...Reaper here is right...
You're too late."with that I laugh not seeing the punch that come my way.
Reaper p.o.v
Fairy tail came.
Erza asked if I was all right along with Abigail and only one thing went through my head, so I said it out loud in a whisper.
"it's too late" looking down I see Abigail body move then relax again, I give her hand a final squeeze to let her know I'm still here.
I heard the master talking.
"my boy...Reaper here is right...
You're too late."
His boy... his boy. I haven't been his boy since this started.
Lucy right we may be blood, but where not family.
I run over to him while he was laughing, the master didn’t see me move but fairy tail did, I saw Erza hold Natsu.
Next thing I know my hand is throbbing and the master on the floor.
"Reaper... go and protect Abigail, we go tit from here," I hear Natsu say and turn round to see all of fairy tail here including their master... Master Makarov

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