chapter 14

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Natsu team pov

“guys admit it were lost, we can’t find the cave that is supposed to lead us to some sort of underground cave, and were no closer to finding Lucy!” Natsu stated, being stressed and tired and is starting to lose hope.

Natsu and his team are currently standing in the middle of the forest looking for a cave that is meant to lead to an underground building, to which Lucy is being held.

“Can’t we just smash the grounds and see where we end up” Natsu suggested

“No cause we could end up hurting Lucy in the process, don’t you ever think flame brain!” Gray answered just as worried as Natsu and is annoyed by is suggestion for he sees Lucy as his little sister.

“What you call me ice princess”

“Flame thrower”

“Ice punk”

“guys will you please stop fighting and get along for two minutes so we can focus please” Erza interrupted “Natsu we will find Lucy I know we will but can you please just try and calm down for a few seconds so we can think, same goes for you Gray”

“Or you can just pay attention for 2 seconds and notice that ive been following you for the last 5 minutes and have come to the conclusion that you guys may never change” mystery person said with a smirk in their voice.

Natsu, Gray and Erza got their the magic out to fight

“Ease up guys, I’m Friend not an enemy, and I’m trying to help you before it’s too late”

“Show yourself then well ease up….though you do sound familiar” Erza replied

“Why don’t you guys look up in in the tree right in front of you?”

Natsu, Gray and Erza looked up to see…….

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