chapter 24

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Lucy P.O.V

Owww why does my arms hurt?

Where am I?

"Lucy wake up, please Lucy wake up before you get hurt even more" I can hear a that Abigail.

Reaper. The slap. The plan.

It's all coming back to me.

"Abigail are you OK?" I ask knowing that my plan could save her, and as long as fairy tail are as reckless as ever and Natsu is hot-headed as normal it could save me as well.

"yeah I'm OK Lucy, but I need you to open your eyes for me please," Abigail said sounding scared.

"please Lucy, you need to open them before master gets back" I heard Reaper say besides me.

I try to move...but I can't I'm stuck unable to move a bone in my body and my magic is as wild as ever what is going on.

"Reaper !" panicked laces my voice

"Lucy calm down please or it'll get worse... and I don't want it to get worse" I can hear Abigail cry after saying that, "Abigail listen to me yup are an amazing person OK and I'm going to get you two out of this," I started

"but Lucy..." Reaper started

"No listen to me your going to survive this, work together when you get out of this and protect each other...please" I sad eyes still close knowing deep down that I might not survive with my magic like this.

"right now listen to me," I take a deep breath "both of you who you get out of here I want you to find a guild... it can be fairy tail, even sabertooth if that's where you want to go, but yup protected check other OK.

Now I'm going to open my eyes and Reaper I want you to show me what I look like. EVERY detail leave nothing out OK?"

"okay Lucy and I promise to protect Abigail with my life" I heard Abigail say I'll protect you to not knowing the plan that's in my mind.

I open my eyes I'm in a well lit room, and attached to something on a wall. Abigail is on the bed looking scared but determined and I know then that I've made the right choice.

I look at Reaper and it the me a minute to see what I look like.

The runes are now a dark red, and my eyes, well there gold but dull as if it's showing that this is one fight I know I'm going to loose.

Yet all I can think is Natsu, fairytail nakama where are you.

Abigail P.O.V

When Lucy finally opened her eyesight finally saw what I was dreading. The gold eyes but they weren't bright they were dull and I knew there and then that what Lucy was saying and why I need

to protect my brother because I got that feeling that when this is all over something or someone is going to be missing and there nothing I can do to stop it.

Reaper P.O.V

Fairytail hurry up Lucy needs you.

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