chapter 39

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Loki pov
I look at Lucy’s body to see it twitching, Abigail next to her, still with only her breathing as sign of life.
We’re still all around them waiting for them to fade back to their world so we can help and fight with them.
“Loki...” I hear a whisper, I face Lucy to see her fighting, the strong stubborn girl never leaves without fighting first.
I kneel down next to her so I can hear what she says.
Fear in her eyes and I imagine it shows in mine as well but I have to stay strong, for the spirits, but more importantly for her.
“Loki... remember the plan... and please remember this is not your fault, it was never your fault.”
I look down, knowing there was a way that I could of prevented this is I’d known sooner but for her sake I will believe that it’s not my fault and get her out of this alive if nothing else.
“ I know Lucy.... I remember the plan, but...” I trail off and grab her had. Taking a deep breath “ are you ready?... are you really ready to go through with the plan, if this goes wrong there’s no Turning back, not unless we can get through this and return your magic to its full power.”
“Loki no matter what happens to me, I know that I’m ready...” she starts off her body starting to flicker but she’s still fighting “I know that no matter what happens I’ll always have you guys with me” she looks me in the eyes and all I can see is strength. The strength of a girl who’s going to fight. The strength of the girl that cares more about other people more than herself.
“ So to answer what you asked, yes I’m ready.” She’s faded away after the answer she’s given me.
I look over to Abigail to see her image flickering.
Looks like it’s time
I stand up straight and take a deep breath
“Virgo!” I called knowing it’s time makes this much more real. I turned round to face her only to see everyone with her as well, as if they know we got a plan.
“it’s time isn’t it?” she said quietly knowing that our biggest fear is coming true. I just nod my head. With that she walks away knowing what she has to do.
While everyone else shouts questions
“time for what?”
“What’s going on?”
“If you will all shut up I’ll tell you!” I raised my voice, they all settle down, Plue clings to my leg knowing this is hard for me, I pat him on the head then face the others.
“before this started me Virgo and Lucy made a plan, a back up plan in case anything went out of hand.” I said looking down.
When Lucy got home after being asked on a date by Natsu

“open thee the gate of the lion and maiden” Lucy said as she walked into her apartment.
“Princess,” we both said, as we were summoned confused to why she asked for the both of us knowing it takes a lot of magic from her. Knowing this I stayed in place using my own magic knowing it’s important for her to summon us both .
“ hi guys?” she started off, she seemed unsure on what she was doing, and looked ass if she was scared.
“Lucy... is everything ok?” I asked as I walked closer to her.
“I...?” she started looking at the both of us, so scared as if she got a monster about to hurt her.
Virgo went to her and held her hoping it would calm her down enough to speak.
She took a breath and hugged Virgo tightly as if we’re going to disappear in  a second.
“Lucy what ever it is that’s going on you can talk to us you know that,” I said stepping closer hoping to give her courage
“ I need you both to sit down with me and make a back up plan...” she said looking me in the eyes showing a mixture of fear but also determination and strength.
“a back up plan for what?” Virgo asks leading her to the table so we can sit and talk, me and Virgo sat either side of her.
“I feel as if somethings bad going to happen to me... Loki before you start no I don’t know what it is and why I feel like it” she said cutting me off before I can interfere.
Taking a deep breath she then carries on.
“If it does, then I want to be able to release you all from our contracts... I want you all to be free, with no link to me so then if any of you fight it’s up to you. It’s only a gut instinct and trust me I hope I’m wrong... but I want it to be your guys own choice.” She finished looking down at the table tears in her eyes
Me and Virgo look at her shocked.
Shocked at what she’s asking of us.
“Why...?” Virgo asked but Lucy just stayed looking down
“Why princess when you know we will all fight for you in everything you do” I finished for Virgo knowing she got the same thoughts as me.
Lucy looked at the fairy tail mark on her hand, her tears landing on it, with that I take her hand and ask a question I fear the answer to.
“do they know?...” I ask knowing she’s know I mean the guild, her nakama
She looks up at me and Virgo.
“ Why Virgo is because this gut Instinct Is So BAD that I don’t want to force you guys into fighting, I love you guys enough to let you all go during what ever it is, it may not happen yet I know But I just want a plan in case anything gets too bad...” she stops to take a deep breath “it won’t be straight away I promise you that but I just want a plan in place to help me know that you guys won’t get hurt... and to answer your question Loki... no they don’t know and I don’t want them to know and worry over nothing, if anything physically happens then I will tell them... I’m already a paranoid mess, don’t need them to worry as well specially Natsu, they already have suspicious that somethings not right with me but why worry them by telling them, right now I want to keep them safe , if anything happens then I’m the one it’ll happen to and not them.” She finished looking us both in the eyes.
*flashback over*
“after that she gave us our contract for us to destroy if we ever needed to, when reaper came in and told me and Lucy is plan that could buy us time, Lucy gave him my key which he will give to Abigail when the master not looking. Lucy didn’t know what was going to happen but she planned for the worse,” I looked up to see everyone with tears in the right eyes knowing that Lucy cares for us more than we think, that she sees us as family, not a magic item.
Virgo came back and stood next to me with the contracts in  her hands, and gave them all out handing me mine last.
Looking at them closely I notice something different.
“Virgo?...” I asked
“Why are they gold?” I asked... I tried to rip mine but it wouldn’t rip it just fixed itself back together
“Because Loki you guys are her family...” I turned to see the spirit king above were the girls use to be.
“it rare to see now, but the day she made that plan they turned gold, you don’t have a contract with her as such now but she can still summon you if she needed her family only you guys have a choice weather to go or not and every time you have. You guys are her family, that’s why she let you go, she wanted it to be your choice” with that the spirit king looked at us all with tears in his eyes and smile on his face.
We all looked at each other happy... knowing that even if we sign another contract with her or someone else we know that we can always be there for her.

I’m being summoned... it’s time.

“I’m being called.” I started looking at everyone “If you want to fight then come through when I open your gates... I’m going to go and protect my family.”
With tat said I disappear to help my guild... to help Lucy.

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