chapter 12

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Nobody's P.O.V
Lucy is stuk in a room with no way out, she got Abigail with her but still doesnt know why they want her, and what she is there for, Lucy doesnt even know fir sure if fairy tail are even looking for her.

Natsu, Erza, Gray and Wendy, with the Happy and Carla have just come back from
 phantom lord guild with new information regarding what's happened to Lucy, and have got a bit more hope.

Natsu P.O.V

"Erza, you said you may have found Lucy not go to a dark guild that has kidnapped Lucy in the past!"
I'm angry not at Erza but for some reason I blame myself that Lucy is gone, and really scared that Lucy could get hurt.

"I know, and I'm sorry but thanks to Juvia and Gajeel we were able to get information to where she could be, and who has got her, it's better then running around and not knowing where she could even possible be." Erza is trying to stay calm telling me this when I know she wants to just cry as well, lucy has changed some off us with out even realising and we all blame ourselves fir her being missing.

"I know, sorry I'm tired and frustrated, but we got a few ideas to where she could be now," 
Erza smiles "If we leave now, the we can find and save Lucy, I dont know about you but i feel we should find Lucy soon as something might happen, if it hasnt already."

"yeah your right, but at least we got information now, a group called Unknown..."

"AYE!" I turn to see Happy besides me with Gray.

"What sort of name is that anyway," Gray joining our conversation, weve actually been getting along latly, "That Reaper guy could be the reason she ran out that day, if he can turn into anyone alive"

"yeah true, but Gray put some cloths on before we leave" I said turning to see gray stripping habbit has done it again

"Oh s****" gray running to the spare room.

"well let's go and find her before its too late, I've already told master, he said that the rest of fairy tail will help if needed when we find her" Erza said,

"Aye, can we get some fish on the way?" Happy asked

"sure Happy, lets go Im all fired up"

hold on Lucy, your coming home

Lucy P.O.V 

Ive been sat with Abigail for a while but havnt found any information out, i feel as if i can trust her and that she wont hurt me.

"yes Lucy,"
"why am I here, their are wizards a lot stronger than me, why do you need me?"
"im not aloud to tell you Im sorry, I want to, im the only one that doeant want this plan to happen," 
"Please tell me and i can try to help you back, please"
"you're here because..."

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