chapter 47

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Master P.O.V 

The machine still going, Lucy's stopped screaming but she's still fighting even though she's getting weaker by the second.

"Lucy...why are you still fighting, your too weak, just give up and give in" I say this more to my self-knowing she won't be able to answer me.

I know the Pink haired one behind me, has been for a few moments now, Natsu I think his name was, it seems as if he's gone into shock seeing Lucy if so then this just got a lot easier and a lot more interesting for me. I'm going to have a little fun as its nearly over.

"how long you going to stand there?" I questioned while turning to face him.

" long will it take for you to let Lucy go?" He answered anger taking over his facial features.

Huh I thought he spoke with his fist not his brain, unless.... Unless he's trying to stall, work out how to save Lucy, maybe even Abigail...

"what are you waiting for Natsu?" I must have the name right as he's not corrected, me "it's too late, your too late, Lucy isn't going to be here for much longer, so I'm going to ask this before I make you watch the final stage. Why are you trying to save her?"

Natsu P.O.V

"...why are you trying to save her?" I heard The Master ask, it's as if he's letting me stall and what's this last stage, whatever it is I need to stop him, is it really too late.

I see the air flicker by the machine that Lucy connected too, that can't be good, I need to stall, prevent this final stage, even if it means being honest with myself, just hope she's listening, especially if it is too late.

"I'm trying to save her because, she's Fairytail's nakama, she's my nakama... my love. So if you think I'm leaving without her...then think again. She will always be the one for me, weather she has magic or not she will always be FairyTail nakama and that will never change.

So I'm going to ask you this.

Do you really want to face fairytail after hurting their nakama?

Do you really want to face me after hurting the one I LOVE!" I looked him straight in the eye's, fairytail are right behind him, even Reaper and Abigail are back over by the table.

Lucy's spirits are around her, fairtails members and me are surrounded around The Master.

THIS ENDS NOW, Lucy hold on where getting you out of there.

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