chapter 6

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Natsu P.O.V

Lucy hiding something I can tell in her face she looks worried like something bad is going to happen but I won’t let that happen if something happens I will protect her with all my heart and will do everything in my power to make her feel safe.

An hour later (still Natsu P.O.V)

“Hey Lucy are you ok you look as if something is bothering you?” I asked getting annoyed why Lucy has to hide what’s bothering her all the time like when she first joined and was bothered about who she was.

“I’m fine Natsu, thank you for doing this but can I ask something?” Lucy asked.

“Sure what is it?”

Lucy looks worried oh no what if she unhappy about something WAIT why am I so worried Natsu stop thinking it’s not good for me just find out what the problem is.

“Umm…. Why are you doing this for me? Not that I’m not grateful or anything but….well I’m just curious that’s all?” Lucy asked looking away hoping she hasn’t hurt me that’s sweet Wait why am I feeling this I’m so confused it’s just a crush it’s got to be.

“I did this to cheer you up cause it hurt me to see you upset and I asked fairy tail to help cause I realised that I said there was a winter fair so we made one just for you ok now I’m all fired up to cheer you up” I answered hoping to set her at ease.

“Thanks Natsu it means a lot”

Reaper P.O.V (mysterious made up character)

I’ve been watching her for a week and not slip up then what happened, my mate decided to say her name out load she turned but didn’t see us. I have to do this today master is just going to have to keep hold of her till were ready unfortunate she already paranoid and shell be needed in another five to ten days so why not take her today, I can pretend to be pink head over there and when he’s gone I can get her out of there, why are we even doing this, it’s not like she anything special I mean ok she a Celestial spirit wizard, with more gold keys than any others but why do we have to have her and why do I have theses weird feelings, AND why was being a blue cat called Happy the only way for me to get in right now.

Lucy P.O.V

“Thanks Natsu it means a lot” I said to Natsu after asking a question it wasn’t what I wanted to ask but I don’t want to confess anything till I know what it is I’m feeling I mean I like him a lot but what would happen if I told him plus I’m too paranoid to think about it something is defiantly going on but what?.

“Natsu can you get me a drink? I’ll stay by the fountain till you come back please”

“Sure no problem I’ll be back in a few minutes…” Natsu goes to the drinks wile I go to the fountain why can’t I get rid of this feeling as if I’m being followed I mean I’m in fairy tail guild for goodness sake.

“Here you go” I turn to see Natsu with a drink in his hands for me.

“Thanks what is it?” I asked looking at the weird colour in the cup.

“It’s a new drink we had a few days thought you would like to try don’t know what’s in it though but it taste good.” Natsu asked with his cheeky grin but what’s up with his eyes they look different I gulp the drink down found that it did taste good.

“Can I tell you something Lucy?” I turned to see Natsu with a cute face but there’s defiantly something about his eyes they look different.

“Sure what is it?” he comes close and whispers in my ear, when he’s finished I’m trying to hold back these tears that are forming I’m my eye’s I push Natsu away and run to the exit to get out without any one seeing and I just run with tears down my eyes.

Reaper P.O.V

I see Natsu leave to get a drink for Lucy this is my chance it might be my only one to get her.

I turn into Natsu but I can’t get the eyes right DAMM IT, it’ll have to do. I grab an empty cup and pour in my special mixture to help me get her, now all I got to do is get her upset so she will get out of here without anyone seeing I hope.

“Here you go” I asked she turned to see me, oh why does she have to ask me what it is just drink it just tell her a lie she might believe me but she is looking at me suspiciously if only there was a way to get her out no, oh maybe there is I think.

“Can I tell you something Lucy?” I asked

“Sure what is it?” Lucy replied but is still looking suspicious I go close to her ear and wispier “Nobody likes you Lucy were only supporting you cause master Made you a member and no members are ever sad, we also think your weak and relies on us two much you rely on your spirits as well as if there your body guards not your spirits,” I pull back to see tears forming in her eyes she pushes me away and run, Part 1 done know just to catch up with her as me before the drink kicks  in and I think I know where she would be, HOME thinking she’s safe. SHE WILL NEVER BE SAFE TILL WE GET HERE. I better get her before that drink whereas off.

Natsu P.O.V

I go to get Lucy a drink but I can’t help feel as if I should be with her like something is going to happen.

I grab her drink and head to the fountain but she not there “Lucy? Where are you?”

“She not here I saw her leave like two minutes ago” I turn to see Mirajane “she looked upset give her a few minutes she might off had a few bad memories come up leave her be for now and see how she is later,”

“Ok Mirajane, ill check on her later to see how she is.”

Natsu wonders around for the da worried about Lucy what if something bad happens to her she looks to worried, for it to just be her mom. I feel as if a part of me is in danger.

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