Chapter 6

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Last Night I don't know it was weird at first but like I felt like I had no control my body did what it wanted to do.I been wanting to call Keon back since he decided to blow my phone up I hope it's not because of those pictures again.

I decided to call him back it's not like Keon to keep calling me like that I know when something is up.It rung a few times before he answered.

"Wassup,Why have you been blowing my line". I said looking at myself in the mirror.

"I need you right now foreal No bullshit".

"What do you mean".

"Stasti left me last night with Malaya and im over here struggling and reading books how to take care of Kids".

"Really Keon reading books? It's not that hard".

"I gave her some candy and now she coloring all over the walls she just jumping around here and riding around in her little electric car I gave her. She already broke 2 vases I was gonna get mad but she said sorry and looked like she was about to cry I wasn't mad anymore".

"Keon why would you give her candy this early you got a problem on your hands".

"I know it's just too much can you please come over".

"Umm-- Well just give me a min and i'll call you before I come".


I put my phone in my pocket and Tyson came out the bathroom taking his phone out looking at something.

"Gina I gotta go baby,I just called my private Jet it's here some shit going down in the A I gotta go". He said grabbing his bag.

"Aww I understand be safe i'll be there at the end the end of the week". I said walking over to him to give him a kiss.

"Alright imma text you and here". He reached out his Jordan shoebox and handed me 4 sloppy stacks.

"Un Un Tyson keep this ". I said handed it back.

"Gina take it im not about to argue with you,have some fine I would give you more but that's all that's left in my box.

I set the money on the desk and walked him out the hotel,I didn't want him to leave yet. A black truck pulled up and he gave me another kiss. I watched him get in and pull off. I walked back to the room,I slid my Ripped Denim Jeans. I combed my hair again and used my flat Iron for my leave out. I put my socks and grabbed my Nike Slides. I checked myself in the mirror and I looked alright.

I texted Keon I was coming,I stuffed a stack in my purse and put up the rest.Tyson left 2 of his god chains so I put them on and left out.


Soon as I walked in Keon was chasing Malaya all around the house she was just laugh and jumping over the couches.How much Candy did he give her?

"Thank God..She just got out the bath but she won't let me put her cheerleading outfit on we only got 10 mins".He said out of breathe.

I just shook my head and walked over to her as she picked up one of her dolls.

"Malaya I heard you can cheer very good,Don't you wanna go to your game?". I said kneeling down to her level.

"No Toys".She said pointing to her barbie.

"You can play when you get back I promise..After your game we can go get ice cream but you gotta be good and do what daddy tell you...Okay".

She smiled and nodded her head. I stood up and grabbed her hand and Keon handed me her outfit.

"Keon I didn't know 2 year olds can cheer". I said as I walked to her room.

"She 3 Gina my dumbass kept telling people she was tripping".

"Un Un maybe you should cut down on weed".

I took her Pink Gown and put on her Outfit, I helped her lotion her legs and arms and slid her socks and shoes on. I looked at her hair I really don't know a lot of styles and im always going to the shop so I barely know how. I went in her bathroom and it was a basket full of knockerz and bows and stuff. I grabbed a comb and brush and just parted it gave her a half up half down style. I added a cute bow and we was all done.

"She's all yours". I said walking out her room.

"Thanks Baby,You mind coming to her first game".


"Nigga I am not your baby and sure why not".

"You will be at the end of the night".

I looked at him confused,what is he on?

Malaya in the MM

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