Chapter 35

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Make Sure you go Read Everything Will be okay and The Counselor . Tell me what you think and or what's your favorite. 👌🏽❤️

Stasti: (Mm)

I sat at the edge of the bed of the bed,exhaling smoke. I texted one of my hoes to see if he needed anything . I put my blunt out and threw it in the ash tray. I got up and put my Bra back on and slipped on my dress. I looked around for my heels and put those on.

"Shane,Shane get up". I said shaking him.

"What Stasti". He yelled.

"I'm about to go can I get my money". I said picking up my purse.

He snatched the covers off him and walked out the room. I looked around making sure I ain't forgetting nothing. Last Night I needed some money because I spent all the money Keon sent me so I fuck him for money .

He came back in and slapped the money in my hand. I counted 5 hundreds and smiled.

I gave him a kiss and told him to call me later. I walked down the stairs and went to my car. I stopped to get me and Malaya something to eat and then went home.


"Where was you last night?". My mom said as I shut the door.

"With my Friend Damnn!". I said walking to the back.

"Where is my Daughter Mom". I said looking around.

"She's in your room watching tv and I got a doctors appointment so you gotta watch her".  She said standing up walking to the door.

"Bye then the fuck?". I said rolling my eyes.

I went in my room and Malaya was eating candy staring at the tv.

"Hey boo put that candy down I bought you some food". I said sitting on the bed.

She smiled and got on the bed. I took out her Hash Brown and Sandwich.

"I'm about to go take a shower don't leave the room". I said getting up.

"Okay". She said opening her food.

I walked to the bathroom and started up the shower. I won't ever get a job if all I gotta do is suck dick and get paid. Me and daughter won't need nothing. At first in all honesty I didn't want Malaya because I was scared to be a parent and I wasn't stable. After seeing Gina and Keon pictures with her really hurt me because that was my daughter. So I really don't give a fuck what people have to say because I will take care of and won't let anything hurt her I put that on my son that died last month. The abortion clinic is my 2nd home.

You might not like my hustle but it's putting food on the table so kiss my fat ass. 🤗😎


The ride home with Keon was silent.. It was so much blood I had to throw up when I went outside. It looked like the knife went through he's shoulder but I couldn't tell. All I remember is hearing mother's scream.

"You okay Baby?". Keon said locking hands with mines.

"Yeah I feel a little better it was just a lot". I said looking out the window.

"I don't want you to worry about it.. That was his fault and I couldn't let him kill my unborn or even touch you".

"I understand Keon".

I got on my phone and opened up my Facebook.

"What in the fuck". I mumbled looking at a picture of Sammy.

Wooooww Tyson got Sammy Pregnant what a fucking shocker. Hm.

Willy sent me a message threatening me and Keon.

I will kill that fucking baby and Tell Keon to watch his back.. You know I'm fucking Crazy

I rolled my eyes and showed Keon the message. He's cripple ass ain't gonna do nothing .

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