Chapter 12

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2 weeks later:


"Tyson what am I doing wrong?". I said getting frustrated.

"Nothing Gina".

"So why are you acting like this? Something has to be wrong".

"Ever since you brought that little girl you're never around everybody always asking about you but you always studying or taking care of that little girl we haven't spent any time together".

I let out a deep breathe not wanting to go off on him imma put it in the easiest way possible.

"Look im sorry but taking care of a child is a job to be honest I can't just up and leave like I use to.. I can't just drop her off anywhere this will be a short period of time until I figure something out".

"Alright Gina I gotta go".

"Whatever Tyson you always do this".

"Do what".

"Never talk anything out you just don't care but that's fine".

I walked away to my room,he keep pissing me off all we do is argue and then he just leave.Like I can't just leave when I want to that's something you can't do with a child and plus I cant just drop her off  anywhere she has nobody.

"Look Gina I'm sorry you just spending so much time with her". He said sitting on my bed.

"Jealousy ain't gonna get you no where just tell me wassup so we can be on the same page Boo maybe I can put her in daycare I just need more information or something". I crossed my arms and looked at him.

"I'm not Jealous im just saying but I understand you..I have to run a quick errand and today it's gonna be just us imma turn my phone off today because I know you hate this shit".

"Okay baby hurry back".

I gave him a kiss and he left out... I'm so tired of this arguing stuff so we are gonna just fix this real quick before it get to that point I will just leave him alone. You can't get jealous of a fucking toddlar basically they need attention and stuff.

I walked back to my room and Malaya was talking to someone on my phone,I looked at her confused then she handed me the phone. It was Keon's number I put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?Who is this?".

"It's me Keon,how she been doing she told me she's having so much fun". He said whispering.

"Keon--Um how.. She's doing fine but how are you calling me".

"This New Female police officer was feeling me so I had her do some work and get my phone I hid it in like this supply closet behind this brick nobody could find it she gave me a key so now I can make calls I would texts but this building don't ever let me send it".

" ooohh I see but How are you? When is your court date".

"I already had it my bail is just 5 bands I already talked to Monica she bringing it to me and I already know about you being in Atlanta i'll probably be outta here less then 2 weeks so I think you should book some tickets".

"Okay I gotchu". 

"I love you Gina thank you so much for doing this for me foreal".

"I L-- No problem Keon call me whenever you can".

"Ok can you give the phone to Malaya".

I handed the phone back to Malaya and walked out the room. I wanted to say it back but I just couldn't..Lemme just stop worrying about it.


"Where the fuck is she". I said pacing around the living room.

My baby Willy is gonna be home any time soon and I know he's gonna want an answer but she's just not here. I have to figure out a way to find her for him.I wonder where is my daughter... I mean Keon is in Jail wonder where she is at I hope she's dead I don't want NOTHING to do with Keon and ever time I look at her I het jealous because all I see is Keon fuck him all the nigga was giving me is money and dick so I don't need him.

Willy walked in and shut the door behind me, I stopped pacing around and sat down tryna figure out what I can tell me.

"Hey Baby how was your day?". I said walking up to him.

"It was cool but did you find her".

"Babe I made dinner let's just sit down and talk about it I have a brilliant plan for the both of us". I pulled him to the table and he groaned.

He sat down and I quickly made his plate I really just got some KFC chicken and made some sides I don't cook shit.My kids gonna be eating Ramen noodles and takeout shit.

I grabbed a fork and gave him his plate. He gave me a strange look and played around with his food.

"Willy if you don't just eat it I ain't put nothing in there".

He eyed me and took a bite of Glory Greens I reheated from a couple days ago. He threw his plate to the ground and looked at me.

"I'm tired of this fucking food you keep making me  mad I'm just gonna keep fucking you up,since you always talking about you bored you about to reading some cookbooks and watching the food channel from now on your not leaving this fucking house until I can get some good soul food now tell me what's your plan Stasti".

I gulped a little and put my fork down.

"Well I haven't find Gina yet I think she went back home but I ain't for sure so I want to kidnap La'Monica's son and Blackmail her until I find her".

He stared at me for a few moments then spoke up.

"Imma see what you can do Stasti this will tell me if you down or not so get your shit together you have 2 weeks".

"Okay I got you baby".

"Come over here and do what you do best at".

I stood up and got on my knees again... Another day doing this shit.

Gina 2 (The Glo~Up)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin