Chapter 10

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"We going on a airplane,we're going on a airplane". Malaya bounced around in her seat.

I just smiled and dropped my Rental off and we just had a little walk to the Airport. I couldn't pack all her stuff but I tried my best whatever else I missed I can just buy it for her. It's was very short distance to the airport so we was basically their. 

We went through all the Airport process you know how that go and the plane will be here in 20 minutes. 

"Gina I'm Hungry". Malaya said grabbing my hand.

"Okay we can go anywhere you want,i'll follow you".

She pulled my arm in the direction of subway i guess that's what it was.


I already picked up are suitcases I was standing around waiting for her. I didn't see her but I did see Tyson. I grabbed the bags and told Malaya to come I was finally back in the A. I ran up and kissed him I actually missed him.

"So this her?".He said kneeling down to her.

"Hey Malaya,you can call me T".He said holding his hand out.

She didn't say nothing but just mug him and looked up at me..

"Umm Tyson Baby she's tired let's go". I said changing the mood.

He put his hand down and agreed and walked out.Sammy was in the car singing all loud and throwing up different gang signs... She's my crazy friend as you can see.

"Ginnaaa". She yelled out getting out the car.

"Hey Girl".I said giving her a hug.

"Oh my god girl I gotta talk to you when you settle but lets go you know I ain't suppose to be driving". She looked around.

Tyson took are bags and we got in the back seat, Sammy rolled the windows down more and picked a song.

"So where we going?". Sammy said to Tyson.

"I guess Gina's nice place since she can't stay with me".

I didn't say nothing I just looked out the window as Sammy started driving. Malaya scooted over closer to me and laid down on me tryna go to sleep. I played in her hair as we got on the express way. Sammy and Tyson was passing a blunt back and fourth from each other making my nostrils hurt I keep tryna tell them to stop smoking but nobody listens to me of course. Sammy got off the express way and went on this dirt road and pulled up to a warehouse. Tyson got out and Sammy turned the music down.

"Okay so tell me why Kinah been tryna fuck your man girl I had to check this bitch when I seen her like a hour ago because she know damn well you and Ghost go out again you better check the bitch because I was 5 seconds from beating her ass like no lie".

"Me and Kinah been beefing that bitch better recognize I already handle her big sister".

"Yeah Boo,so how was the trip girlie and that little .girl is so freaking cute".

"The trip was good until the end of it my ex boyfriend went to Jail and im looking after her for the moment but she my little baby". I said looking down at her.

"Can I ask where the mom?".

"She basically walked out on her".

"Aww that's sad well least she got you".

I nodded my head and Tyson came in breathing hard and threw a bag in the back seat.

"Drive this bitch Sammy get me outta here". He said looking at the warehouse.

She backed out real fast and made a U-turn.I turned around to look at the building seconds later the whole building blew up and pieces was falling everyone. I looked at the black bag it was unzipped a little and it was full of money and guns. I gave Tyson a glare,why would he just do that.

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