Chapter 17

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| Night Time |

I took sip of wine and booked me a flight I paid extra to have one tomorrow. After it was successfully purchased,I put the laptop on the couch and set my glass on the table.

I stood up to go in my room to pack my suitcase. I hired some men to put all my stuff in storage they should get the job done.

I folded up one my shirts nicely and added it to the bag. I heard the front shut and footsteps coming to my room.

"Gina why are moving bo--

"What's going on?". Tyson questioned leaning on the doorframe.

"Well me and my friend Bianca is going on a trip and I needed to switch out some furniture". I said tryna keep a straight face.

"Gina I know when your lying your voice go in and out when you lying so wassup... I see you booked a flight to go home for what".

"I just want to".

"That's not like you Gina why you keep lying".

"Tyson I don't wanna be with you anymore I'm going home".

His eyes got big he just stared at me.

"Stop playing Gina". He chuckled.

"Tyson I am so serious right now".

He walked up towards me and started choking me.

"Bitch you will not leave me after everything I did for you I killed niggas for him.. I was about to propose to you on are date and you think you can walk away from me". He said throwing me to the wall.

I started breathing heavy, I held on to my chest. He kicked down my dressers and punched my wall.

"Fucking Bitch". He said before leaving out.

I silently cried to myself I wanted to kill this nigga. I jumped a little when I heard a vase shatter. I stood up and walked to the living room. He was still kicking shit.

"Get the fuck out". I cried.

He didn't listen I pushed him towards the door.

"I hate you leave right now Tyson".

I opened the door he started walking out and I pushed the door behind him but he turned back around and punched me in the eye. I backed up and help my right eye.

"Gina I'm so sorry". He said grabbing my arm.

"Get away from me". I said crying.

I walked into my room and slammed the door.

This nigga really did hit me..

I walked in the bathroom and I could tell I was gonna have a black eye. I took me a Advil and walked to the kitchen to get my frozen vegetables , Tyson was gone. I got on my phone to call Keon.

"Hello". He said in a sleepy voice.
"Keon". I said tryna hold back from crying.
"What's wrong? I know you miss me all you gotta do is say it". He said chuckling.
"No Keon I got into a fight with Tyson and he gave me a black eye".
" A black eye? See this the shit I was talking about Gina he was never for you ".
"I know but I would never in a million years hit me".
"Only bitch niggas do that hitting on females shit... So why did he hit you anyway.

"I wanted to break up with him for you but he took it way to far".

"Oh I see I'm sorry you had to go through all that so you want to start over".

"Yeah Keon I booked me a flight I should be there".

"I really don't know what to say I guess".

"You don't have to say anything... Imma go get some rest".

"No talk to me stay on the phone".

"Okay let me get comfortable".

I took my shorts off and hopped in bed don't judge me I like going to sleep half naked when nobody is around. I turned the light off and laid down in bed, grabbing my remote I turned the tv. I put the ice on my eye and started talking to Keon.

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