Chapter 7

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I felt like a Proud Mother watching Malaya she make me want a daughter so I can just watch her cheer and stuff.I promised her Ice cream so that's where we was at for the moment. She had so much Sprinkles over her ice cream and it's all over her face. 

I got a wipe  out my purse and reached over the table to wipe her face off because it was just bothering me. I sat down and Keon was staring at me.He been doing to much im about to go back to the Hotel he kept flirting with me and tryna be all up on me but I ain't having it I'm not a dummy and don't fall for little boy tricks like him.

"Stop Staring at me". I said eating my ice cream.

"Your so beautiful I can't help but stare".

I rolled my eyes and looked down at my phone and my mom was calling me.I haven't heard from her in a minute. I stood up and walked outside to answer.

"Hey Mom,How you doing?". I said sitting on the bench.

"Im good Gina but I have to tell you something".She said in a serious tone.

"What is it Mom?".

"Willy is out of Jail and Frank said he's coming home now Gina I can't be there to protect you from him and I feel bad but I think that boy is in love with you and I am not kidding that boy is crazy about you and now you changed im scared for him just watch your back he's there".

"Mom I ain't scared of that boy he know better but thanks for the info". 

"Okay Baby I love you be safe".

"Okay Love you to".

I put my phone back in my purse and started to walk back in but Keon was walking out.

"You Ready". He said.

I nodded my head and got in the car,I kept thinking about Willy I hope he ain't that crazy I don't know he is so into me.


"Can you just stay with us tonight?". Keon said grabbing my arm.

"I would but I just wanna chill at the hotel".

"Come on Gina, I really been missing you".

"Well im sorry but I can't".

"Why because Ghost? do he be bossing you around or something".

"No I just don't wanna stay".

I pushed away from him and walked out the house,I spent the whole day with him but he still want more time like no he not abut to get comfortable with me. Im Loyal period and I wouldn't do Tyson dirty and that's it. I stepped out the house closing the door behind me and I heard glass shattered and jumped a little. A guy with a black hoodie was beating my car with a bat.

"Yo what the fuck is wrong with you". I yelled.

He continued to beat up my car I couldn't see his face or nothing he was just in  all back. I opened up Keon's door and yelled for his name.

"What G--

He stopped mid sentence and looked at the guy then I guess it clicked and he ran down the stair he just ran up on him and pushed him against the car,the guy hit him with the bat but Keon acted like it didnt hurt and snatched the bat out his hand. He pulled his hoodie down.

"She should've came to my car with me". He yelled putting his arms up surrendering.

It was the same nigga from the club I dancing with that he really serious he just fucked up my car for that?

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