Chapter 20

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I fixed my skirt and admired myself in the mirror. I started singing boss ass bitch lost to myself,I was definitely feeling my self. I put my belly ring in and fixed my crop top.  I added my sweater to my outfit and walked downstairs.

"Keon hurry up I wanna go meet your lil girlfriend". I yelled upstairs.

La'Monica insisted on us going to this Brunch so I can meet her girlfriend. I really don't but whatever. Malaya went to the Zoo for her cousin's birthday and Keon allowed her so she's gone.

Keon finally came downstairs buttoning up his Polo shirt.  He was looking sexy I love when he dresses up.

I walked up to him and finished buttoning  his shirt since he was taking to long. I finished the last one and gave him a kiss.

"You look fine baby". I said fixing his collar.

"You do to". He said grabbing my ass.

He was doing that all morning and some extra shit while I was sleep.

"You ready". I said taking my phone out my purse.

"Yeah let's go".

I followed behind him and shut the door behind us. The sun was all in my face making me squint. Keon opened my door for me and I got in,let's see how this trick acts.


"Ginaaaa you look so cute girl". LaMonica said giving me a hug as I walked to the table.

I flashed a smile at the girl sitting at the table. I don't hate on other women I give props when deserved. She was a pretty Dark-skin girl,her hair was pinned up into a bun and had a little dress on.

"Hey Boo,I'm Gina". I said sitting down in the booth.

"Hi I'm Marlee". She said looking up at Keon.

Let's not be Petty Today Gina...

"Have y'all been here Gina?". La'Monica said looking at the menu.

"Nope how about you Marlee?". I said eyeing her.

"Yes plenty of times".

I felt Keon grip my thigh under the table and he gave me a look.

I looked down at my menu as they started a conversation. Chicken Fingers and French fries sounded so good but the Loaded Potato did to. Imma go with my first choice.

"Hello welcome to Sam's can I start you off with drinks".The waitress said getting her notepad.

"I'll take a water". I said first as people was looking at there options.

"I'll take sweet Tea". Keon said.

"Me to". Marlee said quickly. 

"A Pepsi for me Ma'am". Monica said.

We talked a little and shared a few laughs but Marlee really was tryna get his attention and Keon let it continue so I was getting a little mad. I didn't touch my food I told them to wrap it up so I can take  it home.

"Marlee can you help me find the bathroom since you been here before?". I asked nicely.

"Yeah sure I have to go anyway". She said getting up.

Keon stood up and let me up he had a worried look on his face when we walked away.

I knew where the bathroom was at but I needed a excuse so I could talk to her.

Soon as we walked in she walked to the mirror.

"Listen Marlee I know you and Keon fucked but you doing a little to much tryna flirt with him in my fucking face. Whatever happened that night need to say there but it will never happen again and I mean never..Let's not have this Conversation".

"I am so sorry I really didn't know that was your man I regretted it for the last 2 nights I was at his party and I popped some pills and I ended up in his bed that was crazy night I  never meant to disrespect you in any type of way I will never do that again".


I turned around and walked to the table and told Keon I was ready to go,I'm done with this whole thing.


I took my heels off and took off some Jewelry.

"You changed Gina like a lot". Keon said coming in the room.

"What you mean". I said turning around.

"You barely ever cussed or have all this attitude. You think I would let yall two go in the bathroom I heard the conversation. You didn't even have to go talk to her you know I only want you and that was before we got together you taking shit way out of proportion.. I like the Gina I met before you left here".

I looked down at the ground I have been acting different. I feel like I cuss every sentence and I don't like cursing. Maybe I'm being overprotective.

"Look I just don't like how you been acting lately.. I love you and everything but baby I like the other Gina don't be like them other girls".

"And I'm not,I don't even know what your talking about Keon and I'm not about to argue with you".

I walked out the room and went outside,I don't think I'm acting different. I might cuss more but that's it.

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