Chapter 39

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Reminder: Go read The Counselor and Everything Will be Okay
Stasti in the Mm
Gina :

As Keon and Stasi was arguing me and Malaya walked upstairs into her room,Keon left everything the same. I got on my knees and helped her take her jacket but she started crying .

"What's Wrong Malaya". I said stopping in my tracks.

"Mommy told me that you and daddy didn't love me and that daddy only cared about the baby in your belly ". She said crying.

"That's not true Malaya,me and daddy both love you mommy just tried to take you away and lied . We both will always love you no matter what". I said finishing taking her jacket off.

"Promise". She said holding her pinky out.

"I promise". I said connecting my pinky with hers and kissing her forehead.

I took a good look at her she haven't been doing her hair,her shoes was on the wrong feet,and she was wearing dirty clothes.

"Malaya let's go in the bathroom so you can take a shower". I said taking her hand.

I walked to her bathroom connected to her room.

"I wanna do it ". She said as I grabbed the bubble bath.

I turned the knob on and told her to wait to pour some in. I walked in her room and pulled out her Night Gown and panties.

"You can pour it in and get in". I said leaving her stuff on the toilet.

I walked down the stairs and Keon and Stasti was still going at it.

"Keon I tried-- I tried my best". She said starting to cry.

I looked at Keon and he shrugged his shoulders.

"All I wanted to be is a good mother and I messed up , I didn't want to hurt anyone Keon please just help me I need a place to stay". She added on.

"Only reason I'm saying yes is because of my daughter Stasti and don't fuck up. All the rooms is taken so it's the Couch or Basment". Keon said letting out a Longg sigh.

"Thank You so much". She said smiling.

Keon walked back upstairs and I walked to the kitchen.

"So when is the baby due?". She said walking in sitting on the stool.

"February 9". I said taking a banana.

"Is it a girl or boy". She said watching me.

"A girl". I said cutting up my banana.

"Mm Well Congrats, Gina I'm ready to end this beef we have going on. I feel as tho we are both Grown Ladies and shouldn't be acting like this . I mean there's nothing I can do you're married to him and carrying his child I'm nothing but his babymomma . Yeah I was very childish but I want to change that between me and you". She said with a sincere look.

"I don't know Stasti". I said adding yogurt to my bowl.

"Gina come on Girl I'm not as bad as you think it's time for a change and I need positive people in my life to help me get through this .. I need someone like you". She said Itching her arms.

"Are you on Drugs?". I said looking at her.

"Not really.. Well kinda but  I'm done with that". She said said looking down.

"Look I will help you get on your feet but if you're mad at Keon or anything don't put Malaya in the middle of it... Keon was so depressed  not seeing his daughter it really hurt him Stasti and you need to give him his rights back". I said crunching up my granola and putting it into my bowl.

"I will Gina and thank you". She said hugging me.

I almost threw up when she hugged me she freaking stinks a girl should never smell that bad.

"Okay Imma go take a shower". She said smiling walking up stairs.

Thank God.. I grabbed a spoon and walked upstairs when I went by Malaya's room all I heard was laughter coming from both of them , it made me smile. When I walked in the room Stasti was in my room.

"Uhh Stasti I gave you clothes". I said making a face.

"Oh sorry I was looking for something". She said running out my room.

Un un this bitch already got me fucked up on that weird shit .

I shook my head and got on the bed.. We gon see if it's for the better or worst .

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