Rest in Heaven

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I waited in the Lobby for Keon to come pick up me up,I rubbed on my belly as I went down my email's as I waited.

"Gina you need a ride you been suppose to clock out a hour ago". Shanni said about to walk out the door.

"No thank you he should be coming". I said looking outside.

"Okay just call me if something come up". She said walking out.

I called Keon's number he didn't answer me,I will just wait a little while longer.


"Gina you okay? You've been sleep for hours.Where is your Husband?". The security guard said waking me up.

I had to blink my eyes a couple times to register what was going on. I looked at the time it was 3 in the morning. What the fuck?

"Oh my god thank you". I said getting up.

I called Shanni to come pick me up because I can't depend on Keon.

"Girl you still there?Here I come".She said quickly.

"Okay thanks but hurry ". I said before I ended the call.

The Guard walked away and I started to get pissed at Keon because where was at. The double doors busted open pushing somebody in on the gurney.

"Wilson Jones,21,African American,shot 7 times".She said quickly talking to the doctor.

Why do I have a small feeling Keon is behind this,I watched as they pushed him down the hall. I don't even feel bad.

I waited a few minutes and Shanni was outside.I got all my stuff and walked to her car.


I just got the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I walked to the room to see if Keon called back,but he didn't it's already 12 noon where is he. I plopped down on the bed and rubbed lotion on my legs. I started singing the words to the song I was playing in the bathroom . I heard the front door slam making me jump.

"Fuck Man".I heard Keon yell.

I hope he getting ready for the words about to say to him,he walked to the room with blood all over his shirt.He went the closet and pulled out a gun.

"K-Keon what are you doing".I said stopping him from going out the door.

"Someone killed La'Monica,Jojo,and my brother". He said with tears going down his cheek.

I gasped and covered my mouth,I can feel the tears well in my eyes.

"I'm sorry for not answering your calls,I'll be back I need to end this before they come after me or you".  He said kissing my forehead .

"Keon wait who?". I said as he walked down the stairs.

"Gina don't leave this house until I come back and lock these doors... If you hear anything weird go to the spot". He said yelling from downstairs.

No god please tell me this a dream. Oh my god who could this be?

Gina 2 (The Glo~Up)Where stories live. Discover now