Chapter 27

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Thought it was a drought, thought it, thought it was a drought
We thought it was a drought, we poured a Activis
Bitch I'ma choose the dirty over you
You know I ain't scared to lose you
They don't like it when you're telling the truth
I'd rather be realer than you

I was in the kitchen taking out my Chicken wings about to Smash my food. It felt so weird being all by myself in my apartment but you know I gotta do what I gotta do. I fixed my plate and turned of my Spotify off.

I carried my food in the Living room,I checked my phone I didn't have no calls or texts from him still.

I decided to call Lia and tell her I'm gonna quit because I don't like Keon being like this.

It rang a couple times and then she picked up.

"Wassup Gina". She said quickly.

"Tell me why Keon found out about me working and he blew the fuck up and I called Kristen this Morning and told her I had to quit she was sounding so sad talking about I was the one bringing in customers". I said changing the channel.

"No Gina you need to stay". She whined.

"I'm sorry I really can't Lia".

"Aww I gotta take a shower tho,we gonna meet up soon tho".

"Alright have a good day".

I ended the call and checked to see if Keon texted me but he didn't. I can't stop thinking about him.

I decided to go on Facebook to stop thinking about him,but I think it made it worst because the first post I seen was a picture of him and Malaya. I liked it and looked through the comments girls was being petty putting them heart eyes I really don't like that shit. I got off the picture and scrolled down some more.

Hubby😍😘😌: Where are you,why didn't you come back?

Thank God that's all I've been wanting today . I thought I was about to give in first. I didn't wanna text him I wanted to hear his voice,I just called him on FaceTime .

"Keon". I said soon as it connected.

He didn't say nothing he just looked at the Camera.

"Keon!". I said again.

"My bad my volume was low,who's house you at".

"Don't worry about it, not like you care about me".

"Stop acting like a baby you know I do so don't go there, where are you".

"Don't worry about it, I just wanted to tell you I'm s-sorry okay, I should've been honest with you".

"It's all good just come home and don't ever do that shit again".

"Okay I'll be there in a minute".


I hung up the call, I'm such a sucka.

Short Chapter nothing major btw these are the characters Instagram So people can stop asking me.

Gina: PhuckFame
Keon: Big.Scu
Malaya: Heaven_ar_mariya

That's all for now.

Gina 2 (The Glo~Up)Where stories live. Discover now