Chapter 37

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I only will be updating this one today my headache finally went away.. I will update The Counselor and Everything will be okay tomorrow.
Go read those of you haven't yet ..

Skipping 2 months for this one I just had to do it again.

Gina: 2 months later

These last two months been nothing but tears and depression. The moment I almost lost my child been having me on edge. She's okay now but I've been stressing so much I would've had a Miscarriage. I've attended 4 Funerals in 2 months,my mother made me go to Willy's if you wondering why 4. He died soon as he made it to the hospital that night.

Me and Keon barely talk he's been drinking heavily every day and are communication is weak. All I get is a Hi or bye from him. He's probably dealing with a lot right now I tried talking to him but he snaps at me and I don't feel like arguing back with him.

The night he went out ,I found out Willy and his homies was behind everything. He knew it would hurt us ,the day I seen Keon leaving the house with Guns he killed the other 3 and still haven't found the fourth one.

I've been praying to God when my daughter comes it will bring some life and happiness in this situation. Stasti calls Keon only for money and Malaya still isn't talking to us but that's all Stasti telling er false shit.

My mother won't talk to me and I'm guessing Frank is behind that also. So lately it feel like I have nobody to talk to. All my friends are doing there own little thing so I don't wanna bring all my problems to them.

I zipped up my coat and walked out to my car after I cashed my check. I pulled my keys out my purse and started up the car.

I had to go home to change then go check out some stores.


At home

"Whew". I said as I shut the door behind me.

It's so freaking cold outside,unzipping my jacket I seen Keon was opening up another bottle. I can't take this no more I hate seeing him like this.

I walked in the kitchen and snatched the bottle out his hands and poured it down the sink.

"Gina what are you doing". I said rubbing his head.

"Why are you doing this to yourself Keon.. Just talk to me you look beat up and tired how about you just take a nice long shower and come talk to me afterwards  .. What's drinking gonna solve? Nothing but a sour stomach and headache". I said walking over to the trash can throwing his bottle away.

"Gina I told you I need time to myself to get my head straight".

"Keon stop blocking me out and talk to me I gave you plenty of time to do that. We haven't had a full conversation for almost a month I can't even remember the last time you've said you loved me.. I miss you". I said looking up at him.

"Gina you know I love you no matter what we're going through. I just lost my brother and nephew im not ready to talk". He said walking away.

"Where are you going?". I said following him folding my arms.

"I need some Air Gina I'll be back tonight". He said grabbing his coat.

"Just like that huh? You don't give a fuck what I just told you.. Why are you treating me like this". I said shaking my head.

"I heard what you said you just don't understand losing someone so close to you .. But you wanna start bitching about it".

"Bye Keon all you care about is your self and that's not right. Baby just talk to me we can get through this together but you wanna do what Keon wants to do ". I said starting to cry walking up the stairs.

Look I understand his Brother and Nephew died but I lost my Dad I didn't let that ruin my life it's sad and everything but if it was the other way around I wouldn't do him like that he's acting so fucking selfish. I sat down on the bed and cried to myself,I've been trying to stay stress free but I never can .

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