To The City

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Chapter 47 Of Adventures In Mineplex
Skyden's POV

Finally,the moment I've been waiting for..and as I guided them to the gates of The City Of Athens and there were many key holes ( for keys duh ) and they were all glowing with colours."Cool."Adam said and I nodded.I instructed them to put their keys into the holes and the keys glowed with their colours.

"Turn.!"at once,a beam of light shot up and the gates slowly opened.Everyone started cheering and pouring into the city.I looked around for Amy but I remembered what happened.I bit my lip and heared someone calling me...
"Skyden."I looked up and saw..Amy Snow looking back at me.I ran towards her and I hugged her."How did you-"
I strayed to say."Return to life.?I was granted a reborn.So,I chose this.To be with you."she said and I looked at her face.

Then,I kissed her.She looked at me,surprised and she smiled.Then we laughed and she held my hand.I smiled and we made our way towards the main part of the city.A wind blew and suddenly,a portal appeared and Steve,Eleanor,Katelyn,Trinity,Jade,
Sharon and Herobrine and a wolf guy jumped out..weird..They had like,a million scratches on them but they looked happy.Dan ran up to Eleanor and they hugged.Jade smiled when Seto hugged her too,with tears streaming down her face.

Alex and the wolf guy ( Jade told me his name was Jason ) held hands and I smiled."To the city.!"someone yelled and everyone laughed."To The City Of Mineplex.!"Steve shouted instead and gestured to everyone to follow him.Herobrine made a purple teleporter and everyone trooped in,cheering.

What an ending.As I held Amy's hand,we entered the portal..


Sorry this is so short but don't worry.( Don't look at me like that Sharon ) If you have any questions,ask me ( or me.! ) yeah yeah Herobrine,or you.

This next chapter is sure to turn you around.See ya.!

Adventures In Mineplex { Completed } / Book 2Where stories live. Discover now