Making out and Knockouts in a Church

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Well Alex had agreed to help out but dad thought we should try to stabilise the situation a little bit before he comes and saves the day. Only problem with that line of thinking was that I did not want to leave the storeroom. Yes I was chickening out. But there is a good reason for that. My mom and my sister are both horrible beings when they are angry. And with the situation as it is, I was pretty sure there was going to be a confrontation. But dad was so reassured by Alex's coming arrival that he literally threw me towards the two waiting sharks.

"Peggy darling go easy on my daughter. After all, unlike you she is my only child!" My father always calls my mother Peggy even though her name is Virginia and I have never figured out why he does that. Plus their relationship is seriously dysfunctional. He treats her like his beloved girlfriend and crazy psychotic ex-wife together. While the truth is they never dated nor were they married. Yeah I was the result of a casual hook up. But they almost got married but mom ran away leaving my father on the altar.

"Your only daughter probably ruined her own sister's wedding!" Way to go mom. Blame the clueless girl instead of the moron standing with his bleeding nose.

"Mom I promise I have nothing to do with this. I seriously would not have attended this wedding if I knew this was gonna happen. I mean I don't even like him. I always tolerated him because of Felicity and I came to the wedding just for Felicity."

"Oh shove it Livvy! I always knew you were jealous of me. I mean I managed to land one of the most promising bachelors while you wiled away your time as a bitter old maid. And now you are trying to steal my man away from me!" What is it with these people? Everyone seems to think I have some feelings for Ronald. Do they think I have no standards or what?

"First of all sis I was never jealous of you because we are poles apart. You and I are about as similar as chalk and cheese. Secondly, 24 is not old maid and you can confirm that with mom. She beat me in that record. Thirdly,just because I never dated like you and mom doesn't mean that I like to be a spinster.It just means that I didn't find the right guy. And last but not the least, I would rather kill myself than fall in love with that piece of lump that you call a fiance."

I wish Alex would get here faster because with the way things are progressing, I am not sure I am going to survive. I looked towards my dad and he waved. Why the hell is he waving? God my dad picks the worst times to turn into a teenager. Wait, I got it...he means Alex is five minutes away. So I just have to stall for five minutes.

"Oh please Livvy! Like anyone would date you. Insulting boys doesn't mean that they will flock towards you." Seriously mom will you ever side with me? Didn't I tell you that my mom and sister turn into bitches when they get angry. Yeah I know what you are thinking. Yes I did have to go on blind dates set up by my mom. But I had no choice and they were awful guys. Like she always pairs me up with players and jerks of the highest order.

"To clear up your delusions yes I insulted those boys you paired me up with because they were jerks. Secondly, there are many guys who would like to date me- case in point Ronald. Thirdly, I wasn't going to tell you but..... " Before I could complete the sentence, the Churchdoor opened up to reveal my saviour dressed to the nines. Wow he looked hot. And I wasn't the only one thinking it. Looking at my Mom and her friends, I could see them analyze him from head to toe. Some of them were panting like he was a glass of cold water in the desert. Wow skanks do come in all ages and sizes. Wait my mom has the same expression. Ewwww!

"Sorry I got late babes. Did I miss anything?" Alex joined me at the altar all the while smirking like the cat who ate the canary. And then he surprised everyone including me by kissing me. "I missed you! And I am sorry I ruined your surprise. I just couldn't resist."

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