The Seymour Family Reunion

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"Are you sure they're going to love me?"

"Of course they are. You are just too lovable. Trust me you'll fit right in with the rest. "

" So who all am I going to be meeting? "

" My Sister Isabel and my younger brother Michael. I'm not sure about Drew but I hope he's there. Oh and my mom. "

" Perfect! This is going to be disastrous. Why is she going to be there? "

" Because my mother does not know the meaning of 'Butt Out'. " He rubbed his forehead in frustration. Then he looked at me and smiled." But you need not worry. I'll be there to protect you from her. "

" My very own Knight! What reward does this noble Knight wish for in lieu of his service? "

" You. Just you. " He kissed my hand.

" Well you have me then. "

" And that's all that matters. "


" ALEX! " Before he could even exit the car properly, Alex was tackled in a hug by a petite blonde." Oh I missed you so much! "

" I missed you too Bells. What's with the hug attack? I think you broke one or two of my ribs. "

Alex's sister was a little blonde pixie teenager. Literally she reminded me of Tinker bell. No wonder he called her Bell. He'd told me that his sister was a little pint sized ball of energy. He hadn't done her justice.

" You deserve it for getting married without me! "  She glared at him.

" Come on Bells! You know I apologized for that. "

" But I didn't forgive you. "

" Bells seriously I wouldn't have gotten married without you if I had a choice. But the circumstances were not ideal. I'll do anything to make it upto you. "

" You promise? "  She batted her eyelashes at him. Classic move.

" Yeah I promise. "

" Good because you're getting married again in two days time. "

" WHAT? "

" Don't worry the arrangement are all done. You just have to show up. "

" But.... "

" No buts you promised! "  She stretched up to her toes and pointed a finger at him." I have a witness to confirm it too! Your wife right here. "

" She's right Alex. You did promise her. "

" See even she agrees with me. " She gave him a smile full of gloating." Hii I am Isabel Seymour. I am so glad there's another female who is not my mother. The sausage Fest was getting too much. Plus now I can bitch and whine about her to someone who will understand. "

"So I'm guessing you're not a big fan of her?"

"Oh god no! She's irritating. I was so happy when you threw that Champagne on her. I knew we would get along fabulously since then. "

" Bells are you going to talk their ears off  outside or are you gonna let them come in anytime soon? " A slightly leaner and younger version of Alex asked from the porch. This must be Michael, the college sophomore.

" Come on lets go in and meet the others. " Alex escorted me inside his house with Isabel in tow. We met up with Michael.

" Congratulations on your marriage bro! Didn't see that one coming. "

" What you thought I wouldn't get married anytime soon? "

" Can you blame me? With the kind of women mom was throwing at you, forget you I thought none of us would get married. Plus you are a workaholic."

"Nice to know you all thought I was going to be sentenced to Bachelorhood for the rest of my life. "

" Hey at least you paved the way for us. Hii I am Michael and welcome to the family sis! "

" Thank you! "

" Bro I've got some good news and some bad news. Which one would you like to hear first? "

" Hit me with the bad one first. "

" Okay then. Mom's here but she didn't come alone. She's brought that clingy irritating female. What's her name? "

" Diana? She brought Diana? "

" Yup! Said something about making you see the light and what not. I had to give her company for the past half an hour or so. Worst thirty minutes of my life. " Isabel said.

" What part of me being married is so hard for her to understand? "

" Don't bother bro! You know her. She's never going to rest until she gets her way. Now do you want to hear the good news? "

" Sure, go ahead and wow me Mike! "

" Drew is here. But even he didn't come alone. He brought the whole family with him. "

" What do you mean the whole family? "

" The whole family. Uncle Arthur and his family arrived yesterday. And Uncle Grant came in with his family this morning. They were elated with the news of your marriage and Drew invited them to piss off mom. "

" What's going on Alex? "

" Apparently my other brother has yet to outgrow his rebellious phase. Out of all of us, he enjoyed pissing off our mother the most. Seems like he did it again. I have a family reunion happening. Looks like you're meeting more Seymours today. "

" Why would it piss off your mom? "

" Because she hates our extended family. Grandma left them a sizable portion of her property. And they rub it in her face all the time. It's an amazing sight to see. " Isabel replied.

" This should be fun then! What are we waiting for? Lead the way. "


" Really Marla it's not like Leticia didn't leave you with anything. You could at least invest in some cutlery. I swear I've been seeing this same set for the past fifteen years. If you can afford diamonds, you clearly are solvent enough to buy a proper dinner set. " A slim redhead was examining the cutlery and setting the table. She was radiant and beautiful. I couldn't even guess if she was Alex's cousin or some other relation.

" Unlike you Sarah I do not believe in useless expenditure. I believe in the adage if it's not broken then don't fix it."

"I wish you would have applied that adage to yourself too Marla! " She quipped.

" Look who's here! " A bulky older man with mischievous eyes announced our presence." The newly weds are here. "

" Get ready sweetheart! It's showtime. " Alex whispered in my ears.

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