My Sister Is Christian Grey!

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Isn't there a saying about the calm before the storm? Yeah it's totally true. For two whole weeks and three days since the surprise outing of my sister I had been worrying myself over the results of the investigation. And finally Adrian had touched base with Alex. We were going to see him today.

I was pacing a hole in Alex's carpet. I was nervous. God knows what secrets are going to jump out and screw our lives. For all we know she could be acting or this could be a rebound thing. A whole lot of situations were running in my mind and none of them were good. Each ended up with me engaged to Ronald or me murdering him or me and Alex pulling a Romeo and Juliet.

On top of that it had taken almost two weeks for Adrian to come up with anything. That was worrying enough. The longer the time the greater the crime. Isn't that what they say?

Alex was letting me stew in my mood because he had tried to ease my nervousness but I wasn't having it. Finally he gave up and was watching me ruin his carpet.

"You know you probably covered half the distance of the Great Wall Of China. Your pacing is not going to change the result of Adrian's report. So why don't you sit down and relax? "

" I can't relax. I've no idea whether he brings good news or bad news or both. I have no idea whether whatever I saw was a one time thing or lifetime secret she's been hiding. It could be anything. And my life depends on that news. "

" Okay then. Please wear out my carpet if it brings you some peace of mind. "

Finally the doorbell rang. Adrian was here. Oh god he was here. I hope he has some good news. You know how they say that man only remembers god in trying times. Well its true. I began praying earnestly to the higher powers for strength and good luck. God and me have pretty much a complicated relationship. I am not particularly religious after all the shit I have had to put up with since high school. But every now and then I try to extend an olive branch to him or her (who knows God could be a hormonal female too). Nothing has come off it yet. I just hope God doesn't disappoint me today again. Won't be surprising though if he/she does. Not like I am not used to it.

"Sorry luv it took so long. Your sister isn't an easy person to dig into. But I managed and I have something for you."

"Umm before you start... Could you please tell me if there is any bad news in there? "

" Well luv only you can decide what's good or bad news. But I think what I have unearthed is going to be good. Shall I begin? "
I nodded fearfully. This is it. I am going to know now.

" Okay when you sent me that video that was the only logical lead I had. So I started off by identifying who the girl in the video was. Believe me it was no easy task. I thought why not use my FBI contacts. But one of my interns suggested that we first shadow your sister. We may unearth the identity of the mystery girl that way. We managed to shadow your sister for a whole week but gained no significant insights. Finally we turned to hacking. We hacked into your sister's computer at her workplace as well as her laptop. We gained some information about some club she had a date in. One of my staff followed her to the club where she met up with the said woman for a date. From there they retired to the other woman's apartment. When they both left after breakfast, we broke into her apartment and searched the place. The woman's name is Alana Bradley. And we umm discovered some really odd paraphernalia from her place." He showed us photos of whips and handcuffs. There was also an assortment of different type of dildos and vibrators. This was awkward. "That wasn't all though. We investigated Miss Bradley and her records. Turns out her apartment is rented out to her under the name of your sister. And it has been rented to your sister for at least two years. Also Miss Bradley wasn't listed in any governmental records. Not even the social security number she has matches with any living person. So we knew it was an alias. We finally sent her photo to our FBI contact. That's what took so long. He had to run facial recognition. Our contact identified her as Alicia Strongberg."

Dammit I am not in love with you!!!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin