Death By Embarrassment

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We were all in the entertainment room in Kyrian mansion engaged in different activities. Ruby, Laura, Cady and Rhonda were watching Project Runway on one of the televisions. Marcus and Alex were watching the stock market news and busy in discussing business ventures and what not. Me, Adrian and Seamus were playing pool.

Adrian's phone rang and he picked it up quickly.

"Hello Adrian Delaney here. Oh yes Levison told me about you. Yes very nice to hear from you. U huh.... Okay thanks. I'll tell her you said that. Once again thank you for the news. Bye. " He disconnected the call and pocketed his phone. Then signalled Seamus who exited the room.

" Everyone we've got some news." He shouted out.

The televisions were paused and everyone gathered around to hear what Adrian had to say.

"Levi's girlfriend contacted me. Said she was the only one capable of relaying information without being suspected. Told us to watch the police feed. They're bringing in Miss Carter and Ronald. "

Seamus returned with Adrian's laptop and promptly connected it to the huge 60 inches flat television and entertainment console. Then switched it on to show the live feed.

The police feed had five screens. Screen 1, 2 and 3 were showing the interrogation rooms. Screen 4 showed the reception area and Screen 5 was showing the conference Hall from where the police department interacted with the media.

Currently we were watching my mother being questioned by the Officer in charge of my case.

"You will be glad to know Miss Carter that your daughter has been rescued. "

" Thank the Lord! Really? Where is she? Who's with her? Is she safe? And who kidnapped her. I want them arrested. And is she coming back here? "

" Your daughter was rescued by her boyfriend and his friends. She's currently with him. We don't have their exact location because they were travelling. But according to Mr Blaine she is safe and unharmed. But unfortunately, she refuses to come back to the States. "

" I'm telling you its that boy. He must have fed her some nonsense and being the gullible little girl that she is, she must have agreed to everything that he said. "

" Yes that is all well and good. She sounded scared and in shock. We can only arrest and press charges when she's here and gives us her statement. Till then it's all investigation. But despite her shocked and scared condition, she had shed light on an important aspect of the case. She said that she'd been kidnapped twice in the space of 24 hours. "

" She'd been kidnapped twice? How? "

" That's what we were hoping you could shed some light on that. "

" I am honestly baffled. As far as I know, she disappeared and then she called me to tell me she'd been kidnapped. But she'd escaped and managed to call me for help. Then she screamed and the line disconnected. And I thought that was it. The same people got her again. But you're telling me she was kidnapped again but by different people? "

" Yes that is correct. Do you know something or suspect someone? Did she call you again? " Judging by the Officer's expression, you would think he was genuinely curious. But he already knew. He knew I'd called her again. Specially since the police had tapped her phone lines and saw the live feed of my rescue.

" I know only what you've just told me. "

" Are you sure Miss Carter? I hope you aren't lying like the last time. Because it would be considered an obstruction of justice. "

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