Lovers Reunited

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"Livvy the jet is going to take you to Greece. Ruby will pick you up from the Airport. Stay with her and under no circumstances contact your dad or your grandparents. Alex will join you there. Am I clear?" Seamus and Adrian were giving me last minute instructions before the jet took me to Greece. The three musketeers decided it would be better to change the plan a little. So I was being given two full glorious days with Alex in Greece before our secret wedding.

"Are you sure? Can I talk to my dad? "

" It's too risky. Don't worry and trust us. We'll handle anything that goes wrong. Just go and enjoy Greece with Alex. "

" Okay! Have fun and hurry up! I don't want you both missing my wedding. "

" I am the best man. I can't miss the wedding. "

" And I really can't miss the most awaited wedding of the year could I? "

" You guys are seriously awesome! See you in Greece then. Ciao! "


" Miss Carter the plane has landed. Would you like to freshen up? " Linda from the Cabin crew asked me. I had slept through the entire journey from Chicago to Mykonos.

" Thank you Linda and yes I think I will freshen up. I look horrendous don't I? "

" You look tired. Tired and horrendous are two entirely different things. While you freshen up I'll get you some water. Washroom is straight towards the corridor and on your right. Take your time. "

I washed my face and repaired my make up somewhat to the best of my ability. When I exited the washroom, Linda brought me a chilled glass of water. That took care of my dry throat and tiredness. I thanked her and told her to convey my regards to the pilot.

I spotted Alex as soon as I exited the jet. He was standing close to an all black limousine. Forgetting about everything, the cabin crew, the drivers and the bodyguards I quickly got down from the Jet and raced towards him. He had been on the phone but noticing me racing towards him, he ended the call and swung me around in his arms. Then he kissed me.

"Hi! "

" Hi! "

" I am so glad you're here. "

" Me too! "

" Come I want you to meet someone. " He then opened the door to the limo and helped a beautiful woman in stepping out.

" Hello Lavinia! "

" Oh my god! You're Laura Kyrian. Hii! I am your biggest fan. "

" I am so happy that you're getting married in Mykonos and I will get to attend your wedding. Oh this is so exciting! "

" I know right. But its two days away. "

" Good that will give you time to relax and don't worry about the wedding. Me and Ruby will handle everything."

"But where is Ruby? "

" Oh she's at her gown fitting. The bride has to look beautiful on her wedding right? "

" What? What bride? What wedding? "

" Wait a second Blaine didn't tell you? "Alex asked me.

" Didn't tell me what? "

" Well I guess then he must have forgotten. He will be joining us tomorrow with the rest of the gang and getting married first. Then we'll get married the next day. "

Dammit I am not in love with you!!!!Where stories live. Discover now