Wedding Bells Part 2

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Alex and me were standing and socialising (on Mami's insistence) with my distantly related cousins from the rustic backwoods of Nebraska. Actually we were trying to literally market my mother as a perfect bride, which wasn't the case but what my cousins don't know can't hurt them right now. It will much later.

"You just got married? And your father got married recently too? Why did your mother wait for so long? " Alan's sister Rachel asked me.

" The thing is Mom is sort of a romantic (I know I'm going to hell for lying) and she's into that whole 'You only have one soul mate' philosophy. But till now she hasn't been successful in her search for Mr Right. When I got married and later so did my father, I think she felt even more lonely. So when Mami suggested Alan as a potential groom, she agreed. I think it's time she settles down and shared her life with someone. She's been lonely for too long. "

" Poor girl! She's a dreamer. It's okay we'll make sure she becomes a little more practical. It's not easy on the farm and dreaming doesn't get you anywhere. "

" Speaking of farms, could you please help us out a little Rachel? The thing is Alex and me couldn't decide what to give the newly weds as a gift. After a lot of discussion we decided on a honeymoon trip. "

" A honeymoon trip? "

" Yes. We are gifting them with a trip to a farming boot camp for couples in West Virginia. Since Miss Carter has had no experience in agriculture, we thought it would be good for her to learn and experience it a little. Would help with the adjustment. " Alex explained.

" That is the most thoughtful gesture. Very sweet of you both. I know my brother would appreciate it. "

Actually it wasn't meant to be a thoughtful gesture. As soon as we saw the online brochure for the all expenses paid trip, we knew that this was the perfect honeymoon trip. It would be nightmarish experience for my mother. And that's what sealed the deal for us.

"Really? So we made the right decision. Ah I'm so glad. " I was but not for the reason she was thinking. Alex had paid extra for the filming of the whole experience. It was our holiday surprise for the rest of the family.

" Excuse me it seems like the boys are back to their rowdy behaviours. " She made her way to her teenaged sons who were busy fighting with each other." BOYS it is your uncle's wedding. If you don't behave you're going to spend at least a week sleeping with the pigs. Fancy that? "

" We are so going to he'll for this! "

" But totally worth it right? "

" Oh so goddamn worth it! "

" Look at Blaine. He looks like he's having the time of his life. " Alex indicated subtly towards my father who was currently in the midst of four huge males who were enthralling him with tales of their exploits.

" I think he plans to spend some time in Nebraska to research for his new script. He said something about basing it on real life events. "

" That explains it. Look at the poor men! They're practically drooling over Ruby. " Ruby was talking to some women from the Curtis family while men and boys of all age groups mooned over her.

" She's not the only one being drooled over. I saw many of the females from the Groom's side making googly eyes at you."

"But I only have eyes for one woman. The one who's standing here next to me. "

"Hmm we still have half an hour before the ceremony starts. So what do you say?"

"What do I say? I say lets make the most of it! "

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