Eenie Meenie Minie Moe

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I was helping Cecilia and Susan (I literally had to beg because they won't let me help out) in bringing the dishes out of the kitchen, when suddenly Alex stormed in rubbing his lips on his shirt with a disgusted expression.

"We're leaving. Come on! "

" What? Why? Alex calm down and please tell me what happened? "

" That simpering fool kissed me! "

" Who kissed you? "

" Diana. I had just finished my call and was on my way to the dining room when she dragged me to the supply closet and kissed me. "

" That's all that happened? Okay, I think we can handle this on our own without spoiling everybody's day. Look at your family, they all are here taking time out of their busy schedules to congratulate us and welcome me to the family. Besides, I won't let Marla win. "

" So what're you going to do? "

" Don't worry about it. You just enjoy the food and the drama. "


" I didn't know it took so much time to bring out the salad to the table. And that it required two people. " Uncle Arthur teased.

" Arthur stop teasing them. They're newly married and in love. " Susan said.

" What can I say Uncle Arthur. He just can't keep his hands off me! " I said that while looking at Diana and Marla.

" That wasn't what happened in the supply closet. " Marla said sweetly.

" Oh yes I know. Do you want to know what really happened in the closet. "

" He kissed me. Not so much in love with you if he's kissing his ex girlfriend. Doesn't that hurt. " Diana asked with faux concern.

" You can't ever hope to have him. Even if I am dead or no longer with him, he will never want you or love you or consider you worthy enough. And one more thing, keep your dirty paws away from my man bitch! You don't want me to be your enemy. " Cookie is back ladies and gentleman and she's mighty pissed.

" He was mine first. And I will not let you steal him away from me. "

" Damn you really don't get it do you? Fine maybe this will help. " I picked up the spatula that I had brought for the salad bowl and you know what happened next.

" Eenie Meenie Minie moe
My husband gets kissed by a hoe
I slap her so she knows
Which line she's not supposed to toe.
Eenie Meenie Minie Moe! "

Silence greeted us after the little stunt that I pulled. Then suddenly Bells started to laugh and Amy clapped in glee.

" That was quite the poem you sang. And damn I didn't know a spatula made such a good weapon. "

" Thanks Bell! I got the idea from the movie Tangled. "

" But didn't he use a pan in that movie?"

"I want to slap someone, not give them a concussion. Hence the spatula. "

" This is assault. I will have you jailed for this. " Diana screeched.

I think I slapped her too hard with it because despite her heavy layer of foundation, I could see the red print on both her cheeks. Not that I was feeling bad.

" First get some ice on those cheeks otherwise come morning you're going to resemble a baboon. Another thing, do please go to the police because it would seriously benefit me. Who do you think the people are going to support? Me or the socialite shank that cried to kiss my husband? "

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