The Prodigal Son Returns

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I know that voice. But yet at the same time I feel like I might be mistaken. I mean I did get my head banged against a car's door. I could probably have a concussion. Or maybe I have realized that I am seriously in deep shit and this is me going into shock. It could happen and I have heard of the phenomenon 'Delayed Shock'. But I swear I heard Ronald but it didn't sound like him.

Yes I did it again. I confused you. But this time you have to bear with me because I have no idea how to process this sensory data. I mean the voice sounds like Ronald but it's not speaking in meek and mousy tones. This voice has a sophistication dripping from each and every word. It also sounds very serious and authoritative. Someone used to ordering and having those orders obeyed. A man of power.

But it can't be. I have known Ronald for five years. He has never been nor will he ever be anything but mousy and meek. And his choice of career seriously astounds me because politicians are not sheep's.  They're wolves- big and strong. I could probably agree that he is sophisticated but barely. Not like this man. Unless and until, Ronald is a good actor he can't sound the complete opposite of himself in any way. Its not really possible because I know for a fact that his parents consider acting or dancing as close to begging. Ronald took Lacrosse in college and seems to share his parent's point of view.

But these days I rather not believe anything is impossible because life has a way of proving me wrong. I mean my mother is a cougar and my sister is a lesbian. The possibility of Ronald being a pretender is really not low. I wouldn't be surprised even if it's true.

But back to my main concern- if it sounds like Ronald, is it really Ronald? If it's not then who the hell kidnapped me?

"I am really sorry for the inconvenience caused but this was really necessary. "

" Inconveniencing someone is making them wait for an appointment not kidnapping them for the said appointment. And if you wanted to have dinner you should called me! Honestly Ronald this is the worst of all the stunts you've pulled and you have pulled many! "

" I am sorry but you're mistaken. I am not Ronald. "

" Oh for fuck's sakes! Just because you changed your manner of speaking doesn't mean I can't recognize your voice anywhere. So stop with the bullshit and send me back home. "

" Well not the first time someone's mistaken me for that mousy asshole. I think we will have to remedy your misconception. "

Either he's delusional or he is actually someone else. Before I could make up my mind the blindfold was off my eyes and I was blinking furiously.  Well its hard to focus after being in the dark after so long. But when my sight returned back to normal, my eyes focused on a pair of light grey eyes staring at me with an amused expression on his face. This guy looked a bit like Ronald but only better. One word Draco Malfoy had nothing on this one.

"You are not Ronald. Unless you had plastic surgery and changed your face in the last 24 hours. "

" No surgeries here. I am not Ronald but his cousin Seamus Davis. "

" The mayoral candidate who ran away after losing the election. "

" More like escaped from my brother's hired goons. The election was rigged from the start. Do you know who was in charge of handling my campaign's financing? " I really had no inkling since the only knowledge I had of him was through Adrian's report." It was my Grandfather but Ronald was the one who brought in most of my sponsors. Including the mafia who supported the opposing team.  You see Ronald has always been jealous of my success. I had the better job, the better girlfriend, the better car.... Basically I had the best of all and he couldn't bear it when our Grandfather chose me as the candidate for Mayor instead of him. So in order to bring me down and gain respect he chose to sabotage my campaign. I had to run away before his mafia friends decided to kill me. I had to escape and plan my revenge on him."

Dammit I am not in love with you!!!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora