Volcanic Eruption in Mommy Dearest.

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"Livvy I am really sorry but your mother is at the door and insists on speaking with you. What do you want to do?" Poor Mami! She's caught in the power struggle between me and my mother. But can't be helped. She is not going to get rid of her wedding plans for me and I won't agree to an arranged marriage in this lifetime. We were at an impasse.

I already knew what my mother wanted to talk to me about and I had no interest in listening to her. I mean who wants to argue with their mother when one can spend time in better pursuits. Like making out with your boyfriend in your room.

"I really don't want to talk to her. Tell her I am busy."

"I don't think she will take no for an answer. She is in her banshee mood." Awesome! That should be fun to watch. (In case you missed it, that was sarcasm)

"We shouldn't keep her waiting then. I don't want the neighbors rushing in here because they heard the cries of a dying animal." Aahh my boyfriend's dry humor made an appearance. Sometimes he really hits the nail on the head with his quick wit.

"Well then I will seat her in the parlor. Why don't you join us there? But give us few moments alone. I still owe my daughter a lecture for the stunt she pulled at dinner last time." Oohh I like the sound of that. Mommy is in trouble!


"Honestly Virginia selling your daughter to the highest bidder is not the behavior of a concerned mother. And don't give me that 'it's for her own good' nonsense. I am your mother and I know you very well."

"Mom I am seriously thinking of her welfare and future. Ronald is rich and he loves her unlike that boy she is with. That boy will hurt her. He's just pretending to love her for God's sake."

"You would know all about pretending to be in love for your own motives,wouldn't you?"

Okay! Mami was on fire. We were standing on the steps and could hear her blasting my mother in the Parlor room. And looks like Mami was pissed because she brought out the big guns. Go Mami!

"You think we should go in there? Before Mami loses it more?" Alex had never seen Mami angry and was obviously very concerned. Me , on the other hand saw this almost on an annual basis. Some families have a thanksgiving dinner. We have thanksgiving intervention.

"I much rather hear my mother being lectured than be lectured by her. But I want to see her lose her cool over our interview."

"Something in my gut tells me it's going to be explosive."

I guess we both couldn't wait for the fireworks. So we entered the parlor hand in hand like the perfect couple that we were. After all we were America's sweethearts. We were greeted by silence. Mami was breathing heavily after her lecture to my mother. And you can guess my mother's reaction too.

"Are we disturbing something? Should we come back later?"

"Oh no I am all done with lecturing your mother. She's all yours! Excuse me but if you need I will be in the kitchen." With a huff Mami left for the kitchen where I am pretty sure she is going to chop or dice some poor vegetable. Cooking is my Mami's way of dealing with stress.

"Good evening Miss Carter. Its good to see you again."

"I honestly can't say the same about you. Are you so jobless or has my mother's home turned into a homeless shelter? Because whenever I come here I always find you here. Does your company run on its own?"

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