Knight In Shining Armor

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I had dozed off on the dirty small mattress. But you can't blame me for that. I mean seriously what am I supposed to do in a cell with nothing to entertain me? And do you know how hard it was to fall asleep on the mattress? First of all it is small. I barely fit on it. Even if I disregard the small size, it is also very uncomfortable. I mean it's not a mattress more like a lump of clothes on a hard floor. Thirdly it smells horrible and is very dusty. For the first few hours I kept sneezing.

I woke up to the sound of Alex's voice in my ear.

"Livvy we are on! "

It's showtime finally! I missed the soft mattress in our room at Kyrian's mansion. Let's roll and get this over with.

The door smashed open with Alex, Adrian and Seamus entering my cell. Knowing the fact that the camera was still streaming, I got up shakily and rushed into his arms. He kissed me and whispered in my ears.

"Babes you stink! "

" Shut up! You're not the one who was kidnapped! " I whispered back.

" Oh my god! Livvy are you okay? Did those bastards hurt you? " Alex acted out his concerned Boyfriend part.

" No they didn't. But please get me out of here. "

" Come on. Let's get out of here. "

And with the sound of fake guns ripping out fake bullets killing my fake kidnappers, the Damsel in Distress who was never in distress was rescued by her Knight in Shining Armor in true style. The things we do for love!


We were currently sitting in Kyrian's jet which was flying us back to Mykonos. Using Alex's phone I dialed up my father who was in the police station pressing for charges of fraud and what not against my mother, Ronald and her family.

'Blah blah blah blah blah
Coming out of your mouth like lalala
Zip your lip with a padlock
And meet me in the back with Jack and the jukebox...... '

"I can't believe out of all the songs in the whole world he chose this as his caller tune. "

" Alexander do you have any news? Do you know where she is? The police aren't particularly helpful. They can't trace the video stream. I don't know what to do? Where have those bastards kept my precious daughter. I wonder how she is... " My father is an amazing actor. Like I could totally believe it that he was panicking over my wellbeing even though I know he's faking it.

" I am fine daddy! I am here! " I sniffed and wobbled my voice to give an extra touch.

" Baby! Oh my baby! How are you? Did those kidnappers harm you? If they did I swear I'll kill them! "

" I am fine Dad! Alex and his friends rescued me before they could do anything to me. "

" Honey where are you? "

" I don't know. Here talk to Alex. "

" Hey Blaine ! Don't worry she's fine. I am bringing her with me to my friends place. She's a little scared and needs to recover from the shock. "

" I can never thank you enough for this. Tell me where you are? I'll come there. "

" Don't worry. I'll bring her back to you. I am taking a flight back to States with her tomorrow... "

Adrian gave me a signal and I screamed like a banshee. Then Alex and Adrian pretended to calm me down.

" Alex! What's going on? Why did she scream? Are you being attacked? Alex? Alex? "

" Calm down Livvy it's okay! I am here and I won't let anything happen to you. Tell me what's wrong honey? "

" I don't want to go back to Chicago. "

" Why? It's your home. Don't you want to meet your dad and your grandparents? "

" Yes baby don't you want your daddy to hug you? " My father who was now put on speaker phone asked in a hurt voice.

" I do but I don't want to be kidnapped and married against my will! "

" WHAT? "

" What? What do you mean? "

" When I was kidnapped the first time.... "

" What do you mean the first time? Livvy baby you were kidnapped only once. "

" No I was kidnapped twice. The first set of kidnappers by paid off by the ones and then I was taken away. "

" Are you sure? How do you know this? "

" They told me. Their boss knew of my original kidnapping and paid off the original kidnappers to pass me off to him instead of delivering me to the person who ordered my kidnapping. "

" Do you know who this boss is? "

" No but I know who ordered my kidnapping and why. "

" Who was it honey? Come on tell your daddy! I'll make sure he goes to he'll for scaring my precious daughter. "

" It was Ronald. "

" That preppy moronic asshole ordered your kidnapping? " My dad screamed from the phone.

" I am going to kill him. "

" But why would he order your kidnapping?"

"Because after kidnapping me he planned to take me to Majorca to his family vacation home and marry me forcefully. "

" I am going to kill that fucker! How dare he? "

" Ohh just let me get my hands on him. What Felicity did to him will seem like child's play when I am done with him. " Dad growled out on the phone." You heard my daughter. Get that moron here. Arrest him and also arrest that bitch! I am pretty sure she's involved. "

" Livvy listen to me. Come back to the States with us. I'll make sure nothing happens to you again. I'll stick by your side. I promise. "

" No I am not coming back to the States ever again. Him and my mother would never leave me alone. I don't want to marry him. I want to marry you. I love you!"

"I love you too! And I want to marry you too! Trust me I won't let him win and take you away from me. "

" No I am not going back until I am married."

"Blaine get that prick in jail. And get to your wedding. We'll meet there. And bring an extra suit. "

" Why? "

" Because I can't let your daughter live the rest of her life as a criminal and away from those whom she loves. "

And he kept the phone down. I guess I am getting married.

" That was superb acting by the way. It felt like I am watching the latest Taken movie. Adrian complimented us.

"Ah yes! The things we do for love! "

" It was totally worth it! " Alex pointed out.

" Hell yeah! "

Dammit I am not in love with you!!!!Where stories live. Discover now