Heart To Heart

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I stayed with my mother in her room while she was unconscious to take of her. Despite everything that happened she is and will always remain my mother. And as her child, no matter how wrong or right she does by me it is my duty to take care of her. I know very noble of me but it's true.

She moaned from the bed and I knew she was waking up. When she was fully awake I made my way to her.

"How are you feeling mom? "

" Like you care! " she snapped while rubbing her forehead.

" Of course I do. You are my mother. Despite all your faults, I just can't ignore that fact. "

" That's not what you said at the press conference and at your wedding. "

" I was angry and wanted to hurt you. Fat load of good it did because apparently you don't possess a heart. And could you really blame me for it? Look at all that you've done and tell me honestly - is my anger not justified? " When she didn't say anything , I took her silence as the answer." Here take some aspirin for that headache. Have some juice. It's probably just weakness. You haven't had anything to eat since the morning and that's what caused you to faint. Rest for sometime. I'll come and fetch you when it's time for the reception to start. "

" You know hunger was not the cause of my fainting. You were there when I fainted and you quite enjoyed it too. "

" I can't help it if it brings me small joys to see you suffer some of your own medicine. Tell me how does it feel being married to someone you don't care for? Who is a complete stranger. "

" Don't remind me. I'll faint again. That man is so.... He called me Ginnie! And he owns a farm. He didn't even plan to take me on a honeymoon. If you hadn't presented him with that farming boot camp, which is positively an odious idea for a honeymoon trip, I would be in the backwoods of Nebraska feeding pigs and milking cows. "

" But you know Mami is doing this all for your own good. She has your best interests at heart. "

" Stop pretending Livvy. I'm your mother. I can see it that you find my situation amusing. And you and I both know mother is punishing me."

"You're right. It is actually very amusing to me because finally you're in the same position that you tried to put me in. "

" I didn't get you married to a farmer. You did that quite on your own. "

" Yes and I love him very much. You know I wasn't talking out Alex. I was talking about Ronald. For your own gain you wanted me to marry him. Even when you knew I had a boyfriend whom I loved. You still persisted in passing me off as a replacement to a stranger for some stupid deal with the Senator. "

She stayed silent after that. No smart retorts and no comments. But I wanted answers from her. I needed them from her. After everything that she's done, she owed me an explanation if not an apology.

" Say something? Why are you silent now? Tell me why? Why? "

" I....... I'm sorry. "

" I don't want your sorry. I want an explanation. I want to know why you thought it was right to ruin my life for your happiness. Was I that bad a daughter? Was I that big a burden on you? If yes then why did you take my custody from dad? Why fight so hard with him for me? Was it all just for my inheritance? "

She didn't answer me. Just sat still on her bed with her head bent down. Like she didn't have the strength to see me in the eyes. That was enough. She clearly didn't have any inclination to apologize and I had no more second chances left to give.

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