The Party.

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We were all at the Kyrian mansion enjoying the double reception and the anniversary celebrations of Laura and Marcus. Despite everything that happened, the villains were allowed to attend. It seems like gatecrashing events is a family hobby for the Carters.

Ronald was sitting in glum silence with his parents. While the Senator, was not so silent. His hands were flying everywhere and once or twice, I actually thought he was going to crack Ronald's skull with his scotch glass. But not before emptying it.

My mother sat with my Grandparents who were busy congratulating my father and Ruby. Mami and Ruby were sharing funny stories of my dad while my mother sulked.

Adrian and Seamus were keeping an eye on Senator Mcdonald for some time till Marcus arranged for security. Speaking of Marcus, he was on the phone but his attention never strayed from his wife. Laura was barefoot and drinking grape juice in a wine glass (and we all know why).

Sophia and Levi were feeding each other snacks and other delicacies from the delicious buffet while drinking champagne. Apart from their careers, they both had food as a common interest. Who knew?

Cady and Rhonda too were drinking copious amounts of Champagne and were well on their way to drunkenness. No surprise there. They were currently socialising with the guests and networking.

Where were Alexander and I? We were seated at a corner table and enjoying the lively atmosphere. The party was in full swing around us but we were just content in watching the revelry rather than take part in it. We finally had some peace in our lives and we wanted to enjoy it.

"Excuse me but I need some time with you both to discuss some important matters before you go back to the States. "

" Of course Senator Macladden. Please sit down. What is it that you would like to discuss? "

" First of all I would like to apologize to the both of you. I had needlessly caused much problems in your life for my own gain and I am sorry for it. "

" It's okay Senator. I forgive you. "

" Thank you. Secondly, there is the matter of the police investigation of your kidnapping. I know it is unfair of me to ask but is there any way for you to try and minimise the damage? "

" I am afraid we don't understand your meaning Senator. What is it that you're asking of us? "

" I am trying to say that is there any way that my family's name not be dragged further into the mud? Can you both possibly try to I don't know not let Ronald go to jail? I am willing to do anything for it. "

" That is quite a lot that you're asking Senator. But I understand your point of view. Family is important and so is the family name. "

" Yes but that means Ronald will go Scots free without paying for his mistakes. I do not agree to that. "

" Oh you think I am going to let my mother and Ronald get away with all the nonsense that they pulled? I may have forgiven but I haven't forgotten Alex. There is going to be a hefty recompensation for what you're asking Senator. "

" I am willing to negotiate. "

" Good then we both have some conditions. I want you to break all ties with the mafia and Senator Mcdonald. I understand that the Russian mafia Lord is your friend but I would prefer if you break your professional relations with him. Your friendship is of no consequence to me. Agreed? "

" Okay. He has always been a friend. I only relied on him since the time Mcdonald got involved. He won't mind it. "

" The next condition is that Ronald will have to leave me alone and you have to insure it. "

" Consider it done. What else? "

" This one is easy. My mother is already receiving her punishment. Ronald too has to be punished. So for all the grief he caused me, he is going to pay for it by working on Seamus campaign as the lowly intern. Kind of like the water boy in sports. "

" Agreed. And you'll keep your word if I keep mine?" When we both nodded, the Senator sighed in relief. "You can't imagine the amount of stress I had been going through. Now that this is sorted I can enjoy the party. See you later. And thank you both for being so kind. "

"No problem. Enjoy the party Senator. And please try the mini quiche. You'll love it. "

" Do you think he was serious about keeping his word or is this a planned retreat? "

" I think he is serious. But I don't trust him so easily. So if he tries to betray us, I have just the thing to put him in his place. "

" Good to know that you plan ahead. What are your plans for our honeymoon? "

" Well it has to be delayed a little. We still have to deal with the police investigation. And then there is the matter of an official wedding reception in the States. Plus we have to meet my family too as a newly married couple. "

" I don't want to but you're right. These things take priority. "

" Don't worry babes. Haven't you heard that anticipation builds up the surprise. Our honeymoon is going to be spectacular. "

" I can't wait then. "

" Neither can I. " He picked me on the forehead , then my nose, my cheeks and finally placed a very scorching hot kiss on my lips. "One more thing, we have loads and loads of interviews scheduled once we land back in the States."

"That sounds like fun. What shows are we going to appear on?"

"There were many offers but I decided to go with the best. So we are going to be on Ellen's show, Larry King, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy Kimmel. "

"Okay basically we are going to be in Hollywood for some time."

"How does a mini vacation in the city of the lost angels sound?"

"It sounds perfect!"


"I swear sometimes I really wonder how Levi became a doctor. He really is so childish."

"Stop shouting Levi. We're here. "

"Stop hogging the corner and come to the dancefloor. Laura and Kyrian you too. And where are Uncle Blaine and Ruby ?"

"We're here." My father came hand in hand with Ruby. And judging by their appearances they just had a heavy make out session.

When we all reached the dancefloor, the song started to play. I think it was Ed Sheeran 'Thinking out Loud' but I wasn't sure. Since my whole attention was on Alex. We were swaying to the song with no sense of rhythm or anything, just lost in each others eyes. As far as first dances go it was magical.

"Do you know I am the luckiest man on earth right now?"

"You are?"

"Yeah because I have the love of my life in my arms right now. "

"Aww you're such such a romantic."

"Only for you babes."

Dammit I am not in love with you!!!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat