Damsel In Distress

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"Now remember her phone is being tapped by the police. She may be easy to fool but the Chicago Police Department is not. So make it authentic. Capische?" What is it with the last minute instructions? It's not like I am doing this for the first time but still Alex insisted on briefing me.

"Aye Aye Captain! Now gimme the phone. "

" Hold on Adrian is at it with his equipment. Said something about distorting signals and some coding bullshit. "

" I hope you're ready Livvy! Here's the phone. Break a leg! "

" Thanks Adrian! "See Adrian trusts me and my dramatic abilities. But maybe it's because he's seen them firsthand. Whatever. I dialed my mother's personal mobile number.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring......

" Hello! Virginia Carter here. Who's calling?"

"MOM! Mom its me! "

" Livvy! Where are you? What happened to you? Everyone is worried. "

" Mom I don't know but some people have kidnapped me. And taken me away. I think I am on a boat of some kind. They left this phone and told me it was untraceable. They told me to call you and tell you that they know the police is involved but they won't be able to help. Mom these guys are scary. They told me that they'll only set me free when their demands are met. "

" Demands? What demands? "

" They think you're still with that Republican Senator. They want you to get some papers signed. Said the Senator would know about it. Something to do with a mining project. Mom please tell me you're not involved with the Senator?"

"Umm well I am not.... Sort of? "

" Mom look I don't have much time okay? If you're involved with him please do something. Those people told me I only have 24 hours. If the papers aren't signed by then they'll kill me and dump my body somewhere you'll never find it. Please mom hurry. "

" I'll try Livvy. But don't worry.... (Weird sounds) Livvy? Can you hear me? "

Adrian was controlling the phone lines and he produced garbled noises to make it seem like the signal was weak.

" Mom? Mom! The phone..... bluuuhhhhrrr..... Can't hear...... Oooooo.
Mouhuum...... " And then the call disconnected.

" Do you think they'll buy it? " Alex asked.

" Buy it? That is the only link to her disappearance. Specially since the Senator being mentioned, they'll grab on to it. And try and investigate each and every link. Trust me they'll gobble it up like a popsicle on a hot summer day. Plus with Livvy's acting skills there's no way that they're going to believe this was fake. "

" I never knew you were so dramatic? " Alex grabbed me by the waist and kissed my nape." What other secret skills are you hiding? "

" You'll have to wait till the honeymoon to find out. " I whispered in his ear." Can't tell you all my secrets right now. Some mystery will definitely spice up the bedroom, don't you think? "

" Babes don't worry about the bedroom. Even without your secrets it's going to be spicy and fiery. " He growled in my ear.

" Ahem! If you're done with the flirting and planning your honeymoon, can we get back to the plan? " Adrian asked.

" Spoilsport! "

" Hey I am not doing this for myself. It is for your honeymoon. "

Dammit I am not in love with you!!!!Where stories live. Discover now