Shit Happens and Don't I know it

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It's a weird feeling when your stomach has a thousand butterflies and million rats flying and running around in it. Its confusing and uncomfortable. You keep asking yourself- Do I eat first and puke later or puke first and eat later? Not a good feeling in normal circumstances.

I was twitching and shifting to ease the ache in my body. And because of the dusty rag in my mouth, my throat and tongue were feeling dry and itchy. Plus, I wanted to sneeze really badly. Noticing my discomfort, one of my kidnappers ( I think it was the stocky one) loosened the gag. That was sweet of him but I wanted to be free of the ties binding my hands and legs. Still something is better than nothing.

"Pass me the water bottle. We should give her some water. She could probably be dehydrated."

"Why should we care?"

" Because I rather not have the money reduced by the small off chance that the merchandise was damaged while she was in our care. "

He fed me water very gently and mindful of the fact that my mouth was sore because of the rag. The water eased the itchiness and the dryness and I was thankful for that. But the worry hadn't eased up any and my stomach was still acting strangely. I don't know whether it was the side effect of the chloroform or just plain stress. But thank goodness for small mercies. Despite the fact that they had kidnapped me, my kidnappers hadn't harmed me nor had they acted in a harsh manner towards me. In fact they had been very considerate, considering the circumstances. That was bizarre . 

I had been kidnapped by two unknown people on the orders of someone else. Under the circumstances, I should be worried about countless other things. But my stomach decided to act up and despite all my efforts to pay attention to the smells and sounds around me I couldn't. Somehow after taking a couple of deep breaths I managed to settle down my stomach to some extent.

"You sure the girl is awake?" Mousy asked the Immigrant. I named my two kidnappers based on the characteristics of their voice that caught my attention.

"She is awake. She's just scared. Besides she got kidnapped by us. You can't expect her to be chatty." Immigrant had a point.

"Yeah but he told us that once she wakes up she will be like an angry lioness. She's too quite. Like a...ummm what's that animal that doesn't make a sound?"

"Every animal makes a sound." Out of the both of them, Immigrant was definitely the smarter one.

"Oh shut up! It's that animal....the one which moves very slowly."

"You mean a tortoise."

"No...the one which lives both on land and sea."

"A turtle?"

"No you idiot...the one which is real ugly looking too." Okay I know this one.

"Do you mean a snail?"

"Finally! Yes a snail. She's quite as a snail. What happened to your voice back there? Why did you sound like a girl a moment ago?" Poor Mousy! He probably thinks I've gone into shock so won't speak for sometime.

"There's nothing wrong with my voice. It was the girl. She told you the answer."

"Okay you were right. She's awake."

They both didn't speak for quite some time then. Probably content with the knowledge that I was alright. Since I was blindfolded I couldn't make it out where we were going. But it was quite the drive.

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