Devious Daddy Hatched The Perfect Plan

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"Okay here's what we think you should do...... Alex you go to the airport and handle the situation there. You need to call your staff and tell them you're going on a business trip. But make the location as far as possible from Greece. Preferable on the other side of the world. " After an hour of brainstorming with Adrian and Seamus, my father had come up with a plan to smuggle us to Greece while confusing our opponents. He was outlining it right now and explaining everyone their roles.

" I have business concerns in Sydney, Australia. Does that work? "

" That'll be awesome. And make sure it is legit. We don't want them suspecting before it's too late. After telling them this you'll book a flight to Sydney. And you'll get on it too. "

" Why? "

" Don't be so daft Alex. To fool Ronald and company that's why. From Sydney you'll catch a flight to Greece. But not on an airlines. I have a friend who'll lend you his jet. So far so good?"

"One question.... If I don't visit the site wouldn't that tip them off too? Specially my mother who I can bet will ally with them to prevent my marriage to Livvy. "

" He has a point dad. His bitch of a mother hates me. She'll never let me marry him. "

" Okay slight change in plans. How long will it take you to visit the site and do your Lord of the kingdom shit?"

" Excuse me? "

" Let it go Alex. Don't bother with that. We haven't got the time. "

" Fine but I am doing it for you. To answer your question Blaine it would at best take me 45 minutes. "

" So fine you complete your visit there and catch a flight to Greece. Capisce? "

" Yeah Yeah capisce ! "

" Now listen carefully Livvy cos this is where you come in. We'll take you to some old desolate part of town. From there you'll call your mother and act like some people have kidnapped you against your will and you managed to escape them. Act desperate and ask for help. You'll have less than a minute to do this. Otherwise the call will be traced. And honey make it count. We ain't getting retakes on this."

"Gotcha daddy! "

" Good girl. From there Seamus and his bodyguards will escort you to Greece. Adrian on the other hand will throw breadcrumbs at your mom and point her towards the wrong direction. Everyone clear till now? "

A chorus of 'yes' and 'yeahs' met him. Till now the plan was going good.

" Okay Cady you have unfortunately very less time to pull off your magic because you are going to be literally the first person on the scene. So I suggest you get cracking on the dress and make it to the airport as soon as you can. Ruby has arranged the perfect excuse for you to go to Greece. You are part of the stylist team for the billionaire Marcus Kyrian's wife Laura whose birthday is also being celebrated in Mykonos. "

" Aye Aye captain! " Cady saluted dad and then whipped her cellphone out. Within moments she was conversing with Vera Wang and getting my gown ready. And it was going to be custom made. She really is a magician. Maybe she was Santa's elf in her past life.

" Hey hey we ain't done yet. Levi you have the most difficult job. You're going to escort Mami and Papi to Peggy's house where they will put pressure on her to find Livvy. We know Ronald hasn't told her about Livvy's disappearance. So you'll get to see the fireworks firsthand. From there you and your grandparents will go to New York for some reason....just make something up. Mami will help you. From New York Alex's jet will pick you up and get you to Greece along with Livvy and her guards. That includes you too Seamus. "

" Yeah I know. Get on with the rest of the plan. "

" Wait a second.... Where are you going to be? If you aren't with us on the Jet then how are you getting to Greece? "

" I was getting to that. You see currently Ruby is in Greece with her best friend Laura Kyrian for her birthday. I am going to join my future wife. In fact I have a flight six hours from now. But before boarding I am going to act like the concerned father that I am and shout on your mother. "

" Ohh dad you're so devious. I wish I could be there to watch the drama unfold. "

" Oh sweetheart what gave you the idea that you won't be watching it? You'll see it unfold from the Jet where Adrian has hooked the live feed from your mother's house."

"You had cameras installed in the house? When and how? "

" Of course I did. How else do you think I knew about every move your mother made? I am not omnipotent. "

" No you're just short of few screws in the head. " Alex remarked.

" Yes Alex and the same screw less person is planning your wedding escape. Do you think its wise to annoy me? "

" No just fun to be honest. "

" Cut it out Alex! Dad you were saying? "

" Yes from there we'll all meet in Greece. But Seamus has added a twist. Let him tell you about it. "

" Thank you Blaine. From what I know of Ronald, he's shit scared of my Grandfather and he would be putting heaven and hell together to look for Livvy. So to derail him further from his course I am going to bring in the police. I have a friend in the Police Department and he is going to delay Ronald by questioning him on Lavinia's kidnapping on an anonymous tip. Till the time he gets free, it would be too late to stop you from going to Greece. "

" That's brilliant Seamus. This way he would be out of our way. "

" Well I can't guarantee it but he would be slightly delayed. Knowing him he'll call Grandfather the moment trouble knocks on his door. "

The phone rang and it was Ruby calling. Dad put her on the speaker phone for everyone to hear.

" Hey everyone I've got great news. Marcus has great pull and he's promised me that the license will be here in two hours. The only problem is that you need at least one native or local to be your witness. So guess which A list celebrity is joining your wedding party?"

"No way you got Laura Kyrian and her husband to attend our wedding? How? "

" Well first of all she insisted. She watched you on the show and has been following your story. Plus as soon as I landed she quizzed me on you and Alex. When she heard that you were eloping and coming to Greece to get married she insisted on helping. And Marcus is putty in her hands. "

" Hey I heard that. " A husky male voice in Greek accent voiced that.

" Anyways she's excited to meet you both and you probably don't have to worry about your wedding reception because she's hosting it along with her birthday party. Expect the media to be there and you'll probably grace some magazine covers and newspaper front pages in the coming days. "

" Oh my god! "

" Ruby will you please thank Mr and Mrs Kyrian from our side for their generosity and tell them that I'll personally thank them when I see them. "

" Don't worry Alex she heard you and Livvy. She's pretty happy that she gets to attend your wedding. Says no thanks required. Gotta go! We have an awesome wedding and party to plan. Best of luck with your plan. Ciao! "

" Thanks Ruby! See you soon in Greece. "

Marcus Kyrian and Laura Kyrian were going to be my wedding guests. This was an amazing turn if events. I mean to have one of the world's richest man ( Forbes list top 20) and one of the most successful actress of all times attend my wedding was a dream come true.

Now I had far more incentive to act and make this plan work. After all I have to get married to the love of my life. Plus it was high time to get rid of Ronald. But first I had to sort some stuff out.

"Dad I need a favor. "

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