Hysterics And Melodrama

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"Okay Livvy you're on in 5,6,7,8,9,10 and go."

We were currently outside the most dirtiest creepiest and scariest part of Chicago. The place best known for its crime records and it's colorful history. The place where gang wars and drug deals were common. You must be wondering why I was here. Well it was all part of the genius plan hatched by the three musketeers - Seamus, Adrian and my Dad.

I was currently standing in a telephone booth with Adrian. He had hooked up some weird wires into the telephone box. Said it was some new technology which caused delays in tracking and tracing calls. As soon as he gave me a go I dialed my mother's number.

Tring Tring Tring Tring

"Hello Carter residence. Who am I speaking to? "

" Mom it's me! Mom please help me. They've kidnapped me and I don't know where I am. Mom I am so scared. They keep talking about killing and what not. Mom please please help me. "

" Livvy is that you? Oh my god honey where are you and how are you calling me? "

" Yes mom it's me. Someone kidnapped me. But I managed to escape. Mom please I need you to find me and come get me before they...... Oh my god! They're here. Mom they're here. They've come for me. Mom I am scared. "

" Tell me where you are.... Livvy ? "

I fake cried on the phone. Probably hiccupped too to create the effect. And then Adrian gave me the signal again. I screamed and knocked around in the booth to show a struggle. After a few seconds, Adrian disconnected the call and we rushed out in his car towards the airport.

"That was so much fun!"

"Yeah! I never thought you could act that well."

"Me neither but I just did it spontaneously. "

" Let's get to the airport and see the footage of the drama you just created."


"Ronald where the hell are you? Livvy just called. She said she escaped from her kidnappers. I thought she was with you? Call me as soon as you get this. "

I always expected my mother to be in on the kidnapping with Ronald. I mean otherwise how did he come to know of my whereabouts.

Me and Adrian were currently sitting in Alex's jet and watching the live feed of my mother's house on Adrian's laptop while Seamus was on the phone contacting his police friend. His two beefy bodyguards stood next to him.

Alex had already booked a flight to Sydney and boarded it. Before leaving he had kissed me and told me he'd see me in white at the Church. I couldn't wait.

But right now I wanted to watch the rest of my families acting abilities. I had played my part and now it was their turn.

"Hey Levi just messaged me. He says he's outside the Carter residence with your Grandparents." Adrian informed me.

A doorbell was heard and one of the maids opened the door to let in a clearly distraught Mami and a somewhat furious Papi followed by seemingly equally angry Levi.

"Virginia? Where are you? Come here this instant! " Ooh Mami had used her you're in trouble voice.

" Mom? Dad? What are you all doing here? " My mom knew exactly what they were doing here. She faltered but regained her composure pretty quickly.

" DO not play smart with me. We are still you're parents. I gave birth to you. So stop putting wool over my eyes. Where is my granddaughter? "

Dammit I am not in love with you!!!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin