It Wasn't A Panic Attack.

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I just got married. Literally half an hour ago. I don't want to be a widow so soon. I mean Alex hasn't even taken me on our honeymoon yet. We still have tons of things to do. Go on the viking tour, visit the Gugenheim Museum, irritate his mother etc etc. He can't leave me yet. We still have a life to build together.

"Calm down Livvy! You're hyperventilating. Nothing is going to happen to me. " I had been so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't even notice Alex. And I was panicking. I never panic. He was rubbing my arms and trying to calm me down.

" They called him. He'll kill you. What are we going to do now? I can't lose you... not now. Not when we haven't even started our marriage. "

" Calm down! Nothing and no one will be ever able to separate us. Do you hear me? I won't allow it, I promise. They can't do anything. The whole world is watching and there are too many witnesses. Nothing is going to happen. Trust me and trust your family and friends. We'll get through this too! " He kissed my forehead and hugged me to him.

" I trust you. It's them I don't trust. I don't trust my mother and Ronald's grandfather."

"That's good. That means you are cautious. You'll survive if you're cautious and you don't underestimate the enemy. "

" Livvy trust your husband. And trust all of us. And most of all don't forget your promise. " Ruby reminded me of my morning episode and the promise I made to Seamus and Adrian. I completely forgot about them. I couldn't see either of them here. Where were they?

" Where are Adrian and Seamus?"

"Saving your wedding as well as mine. They left as soon as your mother asked for Mikhail. They said something about Plan B."

I trusted Adrian and Seamus. Adrian because not only was he a private investigator and ex spy but also because he is Alex's childhood friend. I didn't know Seamus but I trusted him because he was the only one who stood to gain the most from helping me. He would finally get revenge on his family for betraying him. And then there was my father. He loved me to the moon and back. Together these three men were enough to tackle all that Ronald and company could throw at us.

"I trust them. They promised me and they'll keep their promise. "

" Then you do not have to worry anymore. Look at me do I look worried? No because I trust your father and his creative genius. Everything will be fine. Enjoy the drama till then. "

I knew that but still there was worry and doubt in my mind. They were calling in the Russian mafia. Despite Alex's assurances, accidents could happen. I looked at Laura who was observing everything. She was pregnant and hadn't even shared the news with Marcus yet. What if something happened to her or the baby? What about Sophia? She was new to this. I didn't want them to pay the price for my family's drama. That would be cruel.

"Sophia could you please do me a favor? "


"Laura is pregnant. And being in this stressful environment is not good for the baby. Could you please sit with her in the pews. That way she could rest her feet and still watch this.... drama and not cause any harm to the baby. "

" That's very thoughtful of you. Of course I'll do it. " Saying so she rushed to Laura and escorted her to where my grandparents were sitting. They both sat down there.

" That was sweet and very considerate of you. I am proud of you. "

" Thanks Alex. "

" I am so lucky to have you. I love you. "

" I love you too! "


Knowing what a spineless sample Ronald was, it was expected that he would jump and follow my mother's orders. He called up his Grandfather and reprised him of the situation here.

While my mother and my father were busy with their own argument. What can I say? My mother is a sore loser and my father loves to gloat. She was angry that he got me married and was getting married to his girlfriend. And he was rubbing her face in the proverbial dust.

"How dare you get her married? I am her legal guardian and I have her custody! You have some nerve Blaine and I'll sue you for this. "

" In case you forgot Peggy (he literally spat her name out), she is my daughter too. And as far as I remember you were here guardian till she was 20. She's no longer under your control specially after the court documents have freed her. Wanna see the papers? "

" Even then, I deserve to be part of her wedding. I am her mother. I should have been included in this decision. "

" Oh please! You haven't been her mother since a long time. Just a greedy warden. And it was her decision and I supported it. "

" Why do you always insist on ruining my plans? I had such a bright future planned for her with Ronald and you had to interfere. "

" Don't insult me. You and I both know whose future you were planning and if I had to interfere to insure my daughter's happiness then I am glad I did. The fact that it irritated you is just bonus reward. "

" I am so glad for my mother's runaway bride complex because I shudder to think what would have happened if they were actually married. "

" They would have probably murdered each other. " Alex said.

" I never really knew why they got together in the first place. "

" According to what Blaine told me it was a drunken encounter leading to a one night stand. She didn't know who your father was once she slept with him. When she did find out it was too late. She missed the bus. But then she found out she was pregnant and you probably know the rest. " Ruby told me.

" Yeah I know the rest. No wonder she hates me. I am the reminder of her failure to grab my father's family fortune. "

" That's not the only reason she hates you. She hated you because you're too much like your father. Independent and out of her control. She couldn't bend you to her will. "

" You are right. She always wanted me to follow her every dictat and I never liked it. In fact I hated it but I had no choice but to follow. "

" I don't give a shit Peggy if you don't like it but my daughter is married now and there is nothing you could do to change it. "

" That's where you are wrong. I can change it and I will change it Blaine. You won't be able to stop me. "

" Try me bitch and lets see where you get in your stupid endeavour. "

" How long have they been fighting? "

" Since you had your mini panic attack. "

" I don't have panic attacks Alex. "

" Oh yeah? Care to explain what that was then? "

" I was just worried about you but it wasn't a panic attack. "

" Call it what you want but I am still happy that you love me enough to have a panic attack worrying about my wellbeing. "

" It wasn't a panic attack!"

"It so was! "

It was but I am not gonna accept it. Since he's stepped into my life I have broken a lot of my rules and records. Not like I am gonna tell him about it. It will only inflate his already bloated ego.

Dammit I am not in love with you!!!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora