Political Goldmine

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"Do you really think your Grandfather had no idea about the rigging and Ronald's involvement?" Alex had serious doubts about Seamus. In fact he seemed to think that Seamus coming back had something fishy behind it. Till the time Adrian doesn't report back, my super possessive boyfriend is not going to relax and trust Seamus.

The last time Adrian briefed us, some very memorable secrets had been revealed. I was expecting the same this time too. Needless to say so were the rest of my friends and family. This has got to be the longest wait ever.

God knows what was the hold up. Seriously what was taking Adrian so long to come? I was losing my patience and was about to call him when the doorbell rang. Seamus opened the door and in walked Adrian with a suitcase in hand. What was up with that?

"When you said you were bringing in the cavalry, I didn't expect to get a roommate. Am I missing something here? " Another one with the same dry sense of humor as my boyfriend. I am surprised that Seamus and Alex were not friends in college because they both had many similarities.

" What's with the suitcase Adrian? Planning on shifting into a hotel room? "

" Hardy har har. When I show you what's in this suitcase you wouldn't be cracking up so much. "

" Really and what is in it? "

" Open it and find out. "

Adrian is always jolly but this time he was giving me creepy vibes. Like he wanted me to open the suitcase but at the same time he really didn't want to. Such a contradiction. And the ominous way in which he uttered the challenge was unlike him. What was in the suitcase?

The suitcase was a plain red and very old. Under normal circumstances, I was guessing it could last only a year at the most. The suitcase had wet splotches on some parts like it had been dragged on a wet road or kept in a damp place. Very intriguing.

The combination lock was already set on triple zeroes to indicate the fact that whatever was in it was probably not valuable. I opened the latch and unlocked the suitcase. When I opened the suitcase I immediately wished that I hadn't listened to Adrian and opened it. Because what greeted me was most disturbing.

There in the suitcase lay thousands of printed pamphlets of Ronald's future campaign. You must be wondering what's so disturbing about that? Well when you see a photo of yourself on his side with arms around him...... You get my drift.

"What the hell is this? "

" This is what Seamus here foiled by paying off your kidnappers. If he hadn't you would be in Majorca getting married against your will and in six months time the photo on the pamphlet would have been the real thing. This one is photoshopped."

" So that son of a bitch was really planning to marry her forcefully. Goddamit where is he? " Alex was cracking his fists. Seamus was right about him. I wish I had seen Alex when he was in college.

" Calm down mate. There's more! " I kinda expected Adrian to say that. I mean this is Ronald and camp we are talking about." His Grandfather has taken out a hit for you Alex. And guess who's been given the honours to shoot and kill your ass? The Romanoffs. "

" Who are the Romanoffs? "

" The ones who screwed my campaign. They are the head of the Russian Mafia. Ronald collaborated with them during my campaign and after it too. They took the contract for my head too. "

" Romanoffs are bad news chica. I heard if them during my underground racing days. They're mean motherfuckers. Reportedly never lost a hit. " Cady who'd been quite until now informed me.

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