Kidnapped For A Date

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There are blind dates and then there are blind dates. The ones where you are literally blind and have no clue what's going on. Some idiot son of a bitch decided to kidnap me and now he wants to have a normal dinner and conversation, atleast that's what his lackey told me. And who kidnaps a girl for their first date and expects it to become something more? Yeah like that's gonna happen.


Let me start from the beginning. I was getting bored at home and decided to explore the town and spend some time outside the house. So I ended up at the mall. After three hours of window shopping and stuffing myself with food from the food court, I decided to head home. The sun was about to set and I wanted to reach home before Mami served dinner. I don't want to set her off and get lectured like my mother. My mother had successfully managed to ruin my Grandmother's mood to such an extent that the smallest of smallest things were enough to spark her ire. And none of us in the family wanted to be the recipient of Mami's legendary wrath.

So I went to the parking lot and beeped my car. Thankfully I had parked it close and didn't have to walk much. As soon as I reached my car, I opened the boot and stuffed my limited purchases. I was opening the car door when I felt someone grab me from behind. Before I could react and defend myself, the attacker knocked me out with chloroform.

When I woke up I found myself blindfolded and tied to a chair. I had no idea how long I had been conked off and no way to find out. This has got to be one of the worst disaster to happen to me. I just hope Mami's concern overpowers her cautious nature and she warns my father and Alex of my disappearance. I have watched enough crime shows to know that I don't want to end up dead in a ditch or a warehouse somewhere.

Why does god punish me so? Like what grave sin did I commit to deserve one after another round of disasters in my life? Getting kidnapped? Seriously! What's next? Car accident or maybe drug overdose? I am suddenly thinking of turning atheist because clearly God and I have some issues with each other. Maybe I should worship Satan? That would piss of my mother and also end Ronald's so called love for me.

I was busy thinking about my shitty fate and plans for the future ( in case I survived this ordeal) when I heard footsteps. They sounded like they were coming from somewhere close and quick. Someone was approaching me. I hope it's the kidnappers or kidnapper because I have hell a lot of questions. But no way to ask them since I was gagged. Probably to prevent me from screaming and alerting anyone.

I heard a door open and someone enter the room. The footsteps sounded closer to me now. Since I was blindfolded my other senses were on high alert. This person was wearing a strong cologne and it invaded my nose. I barely managed to avoid sneezing. From his/her footsteps I could make out that the person was wearing hiking or combat boots and probably was stocky in built.

My heart was beating faster with every passing minute and I think I was pretty close to hyperventilating. After some moments of silence, I heard another set of footsteps. Someone else was joining this wonderful soiree.

"Is she awake yet?"

A squeaky mouse like voice asked the question. Judging by my hearing, he was the person who joined in because his voice sounded farther away.

"Yeah I think so." I was right. The man next to me answered the question. He had a heavy voice. He was closer to me and I could make out that he wasn't from Chicago or America for that matter. A foreign national had kidnapped me.

"Thank Goodness! I have been fielding off his questions for too long." There was another person involved. Who asked questions about me. Maybe he was the one who ordered the kidnapping.

"Why did you pick up his calls? We told him he'll get the girl and he will. I don't see the point in minute by minute reporting."

Whoever ordered my kidnapping pissed off my kidnappers. I hope I don't have to pay the price of his annoyance.

"Well its almost time to deliver the goods. Get her to the car."

'Deliver the goods'. I was being presented to some dangerous criminal like a present. This was not good news. I don't want to be some Mafioso's mistress or slave. My hands and feet were tied and I was blindfolded. I wouldn't be able to defend myself even if I wanted to. This is so not how I planned the day. Wake up, go out and get kidnapped!

The stocky man untied me from the chair and lifted me like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder. Blindfolded, gagged and tied up like a prisoner is disconcerting enough for anyone. On top of that, being treated no better than a sack of potatoes is cherry on the icing. The food that I ate at the food court was desperate to spew out of my mouth. And hanging upside down wasn't helping one bit.

After few minutes of walking, I was set down on the ground. I tried to breathe deeply through my nose to avoid puking. Then I heard the sound of an old car coming towards us. The car made pretty bad noises and even an amateur like me could tell that it had seen better days and needed an urgent visit to the workshop. It sputtered and coughed like an angry old woman.

"What are you waiting for? Get the girl in the back! I don't when this old piece of junk will stop and we can't be late for the delivery. He has reservations for some fancy place."

I am not only kidnapped but also being taken for a fancy meal? How does that work? My kidnapper is going to eat a five course meal while I am chained to the chair in the restaurant. Or will I be offered a meal too? Will my preference be taken into consideration for dinner?

The person who kidnapped me has a bad fate in store for him because he just pissed me off! And I happen to be the only other person in the family who inherited my Grandmother's legendary anger. So whoever this person is, he just managed to grab the top spot on my shit list and probably defeated my mother and Ronald for it too. It takes a lot to piss me off. And the events that unfolded at the wedding and then the ones that followed in the next subsequent days had convinced me that nothing could make me change the top spot in my shit list. It was claimed forever by my mother and Ronald. Not so much now. The top spot has been vacated for my kidnapper. Good for him. He/she deserves to witness the legendary Carter wrath.

Dammit I am not in love with you!!!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin