Revelations, Good news and Hell Nos

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You know I used to read Victorian novels and I always pitied the female characters. They were closeted and caged due to society's expectations. Even their attire symbolised that with the corsets squeezing out their breaths. I think I also sympathised with them. To always be what others dictated them to be must be a pitiful existence. Trust me I would know. I lived it.

My mother's estate was a property where I lived, it was never home. The dorm room that I shared with my room mates from college was my home. Mami and Papi's house was my home. Even my dad's penthouse condo in Los Angeles was my home. But my mother's estate was never my home.

This property has no good memories for me. I hated it when I lived here. I was so happy when I turned 18 because it meant I could leave this place.

One of the reasons that I didn't want to attend Felicity's wedding was because I would have to come back to this house and face my mother again. And I had rejected the Maid Of Honor position too. But Felicity begged and pleaded. She never does that and my sisterly feelings took over. I should have never said yes but I did. And look where it got me now.
Back to this house.

But this time it would be different. I know it because this time I was no longer starving for affection. This time I no longer had any inclination to blindly follow through with my mother's and sister's plans. This time I was going to separate myself from them and face them as an opponent.

I was ready. It took a long time but finally I was ready.


"Good afternoon everyone and thank you for being here. I welcome you. Thank you again for respecting the privacies of the families and giving us time. We will try to answer all your questions to the best of our abilities. The press conference is a joint effort from the Carters and Dwight families. Please take your seats and wait for them to arrive. Refreshments for the members of the press are arranged in the back lawn. Please enjoy them after the conference ends." Matilda Haines, my mother's personal assistant, was greeting the press. Poor thing had to plan this whole event herself. But she's used to mom giving no notice for such things. See my mom believes that all publicity is good so we should be ready for press conferences like always. Thats the reason why we have a conference hall in her mansion.

The press conference should have begun 15 minutes ago. But I guess my family decided to be fashionably late again. Punctuality is a hard to find in my family. But since I was going to gatecrash a press conference, it really was difficult for me to throw stones at them for being late.

Finally, the people of the hour made their entrance. My mother and sister entered the hall followed by the Dwights- Ronald and his parents.

"Goodmorning. I am Virginia Carter and I welcome you all to my home. Thank you for being here. We shall begin the conference."

"Sophia Milton, Fox News. Miss Virginia Carter why the joint statement by your and Mr Ronald's family? Hasn't the wedding been cancelled?"

"I am sorry Miss Milton but you have been misinformed. The wedding has just been postponed. The joint statement is being given because we still consider Ronald as part of our family. This is not a joint statement per se. We are coming together as a family to address the media. Next question please." Good one mom. You can support Ronald but when it comes to me I don't even get invited to the conference.

That is just so damn pissing off. But its so familiar too at the same time. I feel like I was Cookie and my mom was Lucious Lyon from the Empire. And hell yeah I was gonna channel Cookie.

"Penny Robins, CBC News. Where is Miss Lavinia Carter? Shouldn't she be here as well if you are addressing the media as a family?" Finally showtime is here.

Dammit I am not in love with you!!!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang