Bitch slapping with Spatulas

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You know everyone has those days. Those days where anything and everything could and does screw your life. The days where you completely ignore the outside world and become a hermit just so you don't have to hear the bad news. The days where you desperately hope for some miracle only to see them dashed by just the opposite. Everybody has those days. But I don't have those days. Thats my life! It's not a rarity but a daily occurrence. So I consider good days as those days. Those few days where I keep waiting anxiously for another shoe to drop. And it never does so I end up stressing myself wondering what new way God will punish me for some grievous sins of my past lifetime.

My whole life uptil now had been one giant roller coaster ride filled with bad news and disasters. And frankly now I was used to it. It was normal.

But now, since Alex my definition of normal had changed. I still had one bad news after another to bear. I still had some disaster to look forward too. But now it seemed like all the bad couldn't match upto the good. He was my good news. I now waited for something to happen so that he could bring in some joy.

So imagine my surprise when our morning after our Prom date gets interrupted by my mother announcing my engagement to Ronald.

Now you are really confused. Let me backtrack a little. Me and Alex were enjoying coffee and kisses ( such an awesome combination) when my mother who had woken the whole house with her screaming decided that she had had enough. So right there in Mami's kitchen she put an end to a bad relationship ( her opinion). Or so she thought.


" Will you stop with the kissing? You are not in high school Lavinia! Please act your age. You seemed to have lost your senses. Everytime I turn around you're kissing him. "

" Why are you here? Don't you have your charities' engagements to look after? And while we we're at it what was up with the screaming in the morning? "

" Thank you for reminding me about the real reason I was here. How dare you? How could you do that to me last night? Do you have no shame? How dare you spoil my name and the name of your family? "

" Who crapped in your cereal this morning? And what are you talking about? I did a lot last night and after that whole bottle of champagne I have very hazy memories of the night. "

" You defied and embarrassed me publicly at my Charity ball. Specially when I had been trying to make amends. "

" You have to be more specific than that. I did a lot last night and most of it would have embarrassed you. Which part are you referring to? "

" I am referring to your entry at my ball! "

"Oh that! Well you see technically it's your fault."

"How is it my fault? You ditch your date and it is my fault?"

"I can't believe you thought I would actually come to the Ball with Ronald. What made you think I had any intention of making up with you. And even if I did, making Ronald my date was a wrong move."

"Of course I had to choose Ronald as your date. You two needed to make an impression on the media and the guests. How else would I announce your wedding?"

Pindrop silence. And it's not the good kind. You know the happy exciting one. Its the bad one. A very bad one. The calm before the thunderstorm types.

I think I was shocked. What announcement? What wedding? Aren't two people supposed to be agreeable to marry each other? Or have we reverted back to Medieval times. Kill a boar, present it to the family and the girl is yours. Was my consent not needed?

Dammit I am not in love with you!!!!Where stories live. Discover now