Last Minute Hustle Up

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"Everyone ready?"

A chorus of 'Yeah', 'Yes', 'Hell Yes' etc etc made in different tones met the question.

"Everyone hangover free? "

" Oh yes! That hangover cure sure was effective. "

" Thank you! It's my grandmother's recipe. Awful tasting but works like magic. " Laura told me.

" She made me drink that on our anniversary when I was piss drunk. And she looked like a witch working on the cauldron. "

" Oh you are so not getting laid for a week Marcus as punishment for that comment. "

" Oh come on Laura it was just a joke! Hey don't walk away from me. Goddamit woman I am not sleeping on a couch again." Marcus huffed. "Are you sure you guys want to enter into married life. It's not all that fun you see!"

"I heard that Marcus. Now you're definitely on the couch. "

" Really Laura? It's our anniversary today. You can't do that to me today. See what I mean? "

We all laughed at Marcus frustration with his wife. All of us were dressed up and eating the delicious spread laid out by Agnes, Marcus and Laura's wonderful housekeeper. The bride and the groom were in their rooms since they couldn't see each other before the wedding. The wedding was going to be a short affair but still all of us were binging on food like cavemen.

The wedding was supposed to start in two hours time and till then all of us were relaxing and enjoying the Greek sunny weather and pulling each other's leg. For the first time in a long time I wasn't worried about Ronald or my mother's actions. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. Well I was hoping that they stay absent from my life for a long time. And even then I can't guarantee the fact that I will ever hold them in high or any level of regard ever.

Adrian's phone rang. He looked at the screen, looked a little worried and went outside to attend the call. Few minutes later, he came back with a frown.

"Bad news guys. My contact in the police department says that they are growing antsy over there in Chicago. The senator is putting too much pressure on them. Plus I think he already knows about Blaine's wedding here. He told me that the senator is pulling some heavy strings to get Ronald and your mother out of suspicion. And till you testify against them, they really can't be kept in custody of any kind. Not even house arrest. He says the papers are being processed and would be signed in an hour."

"So does that mean my mother and Ronald will be free? "

" Yes so unfortunately we'll have to hurry up with your wedding. Otherwise it will be too late. "

" But we aren't ready! And besides today is my dad's wedding. I really can't take this away from them. "

" I agree with Livvy. How are we going to arrange everything in such a short time? " Alex asked.

" Darling do you really think that I would not think a way out of this problem too? " My dad made an appearance in his tuxedo and dare I say he looked good! Ruby is a lucky gal.

" What do you mean Blaine? "

" Oh Alex! I always plan ahead. I wanted everything to be perfect but in case there were some problems, I thought of alternate plans. Seamus too suspected that his Grandfather wouldn't let go off this soon. So we decided to keep a Plan B just in case."

"So you're saying.... What exactly? "

" Honey leave the worrying to daddy! "


Dammit I am not in love with you!!!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora