Warpaint and Uniforms

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I was pretty sure I was gonna screw the whole plan up. So why not ditch it? Simple. Alex's words got to me. I mean he was right. Murphy's law and all. If it had to go wrong it will but I can't just give up. My family was going to forsake me in front of the whole world for something I hadn't done. Granted we were dysfunctional as shit but that doesn't mean that all this mess couldn't have been handled indoors. If they were fine with airing dirty laundry out to everyone than why should I hold on to some mistaken sense of loyalty. I have plenty of stuff to air too and lets just say despite aunty flow I still have lot of Bad Blood and its all getting out today ( I know wrong analogy but go with it).

I called Ruby and told her that despite the plan, I didn't want to look like a victim. I wanted to look fabulous. She sent her friend Cady to look after my needs. Now Cady is Ruby's stylist cum make-up artist and also her best friend. I have known about Cady but never met her. Lets just say the talks never did her justice.

Cady was a walking talking contradiction. Her outer appearance was in no way related to her description as a fashionista and glorified Lady. Cady is a 5ft 9 inches gorgeous redhead with pale alabaster skin and green eyes who could have easily been a model. And her parents wanted that too. But she rebelled and became a Make-up magician who has a mohawk and lots of tattoos and drives a porsche like a racer. Oh yeah forgot to mention she was into underground racing scene for a while. Just to piss off her parents who tried to turn her into a debutante. So if anyone could sympathize with my situation, it was Cady.

"Hey Livvy! I would have come sooner if Ruby would have bothered to tell me sooner. Here have some liquid courage. And trust me I am gonna turn you from Bambi to Queen of the jungle. Nobody is ever gonna step on you. Not even your mother." She gave me a flask to drink from. It was whisky neat. Well I don't drink so early in the morning but what the hell these were special circumstances.

"Now you listen to me Livvy. You are going to give them a performance of a lifetime. So you have to look like it too. And I have the perfect outfit. Check it out. I got you this Red hot sheath dress and Black leather blazer with Jimmy choos exclusive black heels. They are not that high and your balance will not be affected. You like it."

"I love it. How did you manage all this? And that too at such short notice?"

"Trust me it pays to be in my good books. I can hook you up anytime. Plus I kind of am rooting for you so there was no way you were going in some Mark Jacobs getup."

Since the clothes and shoes were handled, it was time for the warpaint. And no one does it better than Cady. She thought my natural skin was perfect so there was no need for foundations or face powders. I was just told to put some sunscreen and moisturizer and close my eyes.

When I saw my face after Cady had worked her magic, I now understood why she was so sought after. It looked like I barely had anything on and yet I looked hot. She had put some blush on my cheeks but it was light. The main focus was on my eyes which were higglighted by black cat eye and light pink eyeshadow. My lips had a beautiful red pout. I mean I had kissable lips. Thats a first. And they looked so luscious that I wanted to kiss myself.

Mami came in with some medicines for the cramps and I just gobbled them down with some orange juice. I was ready and excited and I looked awesome.

"You ready Livvy? Do you need to look at the script one more time?" Mami was stressed for me. It showed on her face. My mother and me never did have a proper relationship but I always let things go because of Mami. She told me that family always stands by each other. Till now I had never even spoken to my mom in a bad tone because I wanted her to love me. But we were too different and now I no longer needed her to like me or love me. Mami had been more of a mother to me than mom. Mom was like a warden. She was there but she wasn't there. I had justified her actions to myself for too long. Now I no longer needed to. I guess one good thing came out of this mess. I was no longer blind to my mother's faults. I am going to return the favor. And this one was long due.

"Wait a second. You have a script for this? A script ain't gonna help. This is not a reality show. If you gotta do it then do it from the heart. Do it because the locks are off now and the bones from the closet are willing to dance." Cady was right. A script could no longer suffice. I had a bad week and all that stress and tears were now going to be my lines. All the years of indifference, neglect and controlling my life were over from today.

"No mami no script needed. Today has been long overdue and I need to do it on my own. Plus this has been sitting inside for so long that now its time I should let my real feelings show. Today onwards, I am no longer the dutiful obedient daughter and sister who did everything they said. They wanted a fight they will get a battle."

"Thats the spirit. Go slay them girl."

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